Goldshire Footman
Card Text
Flavor Text
If 1/2 minions are all that is defending Goldshire, you would think it would have been overrun years ago.
Card Sounds
If 1/2 minions are all that is defending Goldshire, you would think it would have been overrun years ago.
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Goldshire Battlecry: when you play this minion in Legend, Opponent concede
Isn't it Rob Perlman?
I remember those times when I started playing Hearthstone. I put this guy in every deck and I loved him. Now I have tons of legendaries and I can not play him anymore BibleThump
It's literally a worse void walker.
Void Walker is also a class card, footman is not.
Combos with Bolster.
Combos with not being in your deck
Seriously, everyone playing this guy now. It always trades 2 for 1 because it's such an effective card and you can't get around it because it has taunt. I always need to run 2 tuskstone boars into it while he can swarm the field because he started footman on turn 1.
If you compare this to other taunt creatures, he's the only one that gets more than double the cost value in stats (3 stats for 1 cost, while other creatures are 2/2 for 2, 3/3 for 3, 3/5 for 4 or even worse: 1/4 for 3, 3/6 for 5).
It's not fair that a 1 drop with taunt can 2 for 1 another 1 drop. It even kills my favourite 3 drop magma rager!
I'm not bad, but I'm stuck at rank 20 because everyone runs this card!
Sarcasm detection level: over 9000
Taunt minions usually take a stat hit, Footmen do not, so it's a bit over budget it's not a bad card...But when you have more advanced decks, footmen are less important.
Really loved this guy when I just started HS.
We were all once noobs :)
Same here. I would put one in all my decks. Now its unused lol.
this and lord of the arena