Card Clarifications
Recruit is a new keyword being added in Kobolds and Catacombs which immediately summons minions from your deck and put them into play. Some Recruit cards have certain conditions, this one does not.
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Simple spell. 6-cost. No excuses. Very simple. One mechanic, three words.
"Recruit a minion."
*drops leper the f--cking gnome*
I feel like there's some deck that could exists that uses Dead Man's Hand to maintain a constant stream of Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound. Even if the deck could be built, though, I don't know if there's a Hearthstone player alive it that could pilot it...
idk why but i love this card
this card is so fcking awesome a core in big recruit warrior
Gather your DUST
Everyone wants the card to be broken. If this pulls a minion in a fast deck or mid range deck, it's still not that bad. If you play warrior and put in only minions that are charge for example: Leeroy, Grommash, Kor'kron. And then just add some big minions, this becomes a possible high roll card. Big Priest is all about High Roll. If you don't draw Barnes, you're pretty screwed, but people still play the odds. This card will be no different. Pay 6 mana to pull out Leeroy? Sure why not.
Basically use 6 mana to draw and play a minion from your deck without triggering battlecry(and stuff like like that). Better than what some people are giving it credit for.Less value but thins your deck making your deck more consistent.
Wants to be in a control deck, but warrior control decks usually play cheap taunt minions. Going to be hard to make this worth it.
Here's why this card could be very good if warriors get enough good control tools.
The best way to explain is imagine if this was a priest card and you can play it in big priest. It would be SOO much better than Shadow Essence since for the same mana cost you get to pull out full versions of y'sharj, yasera, lich king, ect instead of just 5/5 versions. Now priest does have eternal servitude and reserect in wild so if warriors get similar tools this card could be very good, if not then this card may never see competitive play.
So they probably made this 6 mana so you will be one mana short of playing this to summon your Grommash Hellscream, enrage it with your Blood Razor deathrattle and cast Sudden Genesis for a 20 damage burst.
Unless you have a coin..
I still think people will find a use for it.
I think this card is better than some people are giving it credit for. The reason why Y'shaarj is so weak is because once you're at 10 turn there are many better cards to play and there is no guarantee that it's going to give you any value (unless you only have other big minions left). A ten mana card that doesn't guarantee value is pretty bad.
The worst case scenario with this card is that you pull a 2 drop, which means you waste 4 mana (assuming you don't have 1 mana cards in your deck). In the best case, though, you get a huge tempo swing on turn 6. You'll obviously run a lot of big minions in a deck that runs this card, so the odds are pretty good that you'll get something useful.
I think this card has potential but will only really see play if there is some kind of combo with it. For example, perhaps a card that can reliably summon low cost minions (or remove them from your deck).
Hemet, Jungle Hunter
Or just don't play low cost minions....
"you must gather your party before venturing forth"
Summoning creatures from deck... So basically we Gwent now boyz.
..... I'm not following.
Recruit can be used in a ton of deck types depending on how Blizzard builds the cards. Guild recruiter can go into Demon warlock, Crusher Shaman, or Silence Priest (all vastly different deck types), Recruit the Party could go into a control Warrior deck, and if they wanted to they could easily print a card that is "2 mana 1/1 Recruit a Pirate" or similar.
Not all keywords/mechanics fit into every deck type, but that's mostly because of what kind of cards Blizzard prints (Joust is useless to Aggro decks for instance, but they could have easily printed a "If you lose the joust, do X" type of card to benefit Aggro).