Gift of Luminance

Card Text
Give a minion Divine Shield, then summon a 1/1 copy of it.
Flavor Text
You get a small version of yourself in a snow globe to remember the moment.
Give a minion Divine Shield, then summon a 1/1 copy of it.
You get a small version of yourself in a snow globe to remember the moment.
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I guess this works alright for paladin to cheat out extra copies of Libram of Wisdom, but paladin really lacks the cards needed to make this shine, especially good deathrattles. Priest however, are going to love it. Sethekk Veilweaver and Convincing Infiltrator especially come to mind, but Sandhoof Waterbearer and everyone's favourite, Archmage Vargoth all seem to be great choices for this card as well.
good thing is it doesn't give taunt to 1/1 copy lol
Not sure why it's labeled as a Druid card on the expansion page
Pretty strong combo with blood knight.
6 mana 2 cards gives a 9/9 and a 1/1. The 1/1 could potentially have a good deathrattle as well.
First card for paladin that is not absolutely useless. Maybe not very strong, but at least usable in some slow control deck
Where are my libram-related cards at.
That one is alright,not bad,not good,dont see too much of use for that card in paladin atm,but lets wait for more cards.
Wow this is what paladin needs!!!! The best synergy with libram of wisdom for unlimited powaaarr
Not the worst card ever - Divine Shield is sort-of-removal if you already have something out ready to attack, and at worst you'd likely be getting an Argent Squire. Obviously, use it on a minion with a decent deathrattle or triggered ability, and it can get much better. Could perhaps find a way into rez priest where you're more likely to use it on a minion with a decent deathrattle and/or reborn, and as a result increase the odds of getting it out of the pool when you rez. On that note, could work well with Vargoth.
All that said, on average it feels like it wouldn't do enough to be competitively viable.