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N'Zoth Priests' Holiest Grail along with Khartut Defender
Looking forward to rotation of this sumbitch.
The most amazing card in this game lol :D
pure cancer, remove this shit from the game.
Absolutely agree, I never could hate a card this much before
this with reborn can be ridiculous. I just killed 20 of them and ran out of resources. 2 original, 2 copied and given 1/3 plus reborn, guy who copies death rattle, that 6/8 who summons dead minions, that 3/1 who res with reborn, the res 3 that died...
Just a giant wall. RIP my self constructed spell druid. In all I think around 40 of my minions died lol. He had full health and I had no resources left
Great card and funny art but seriously fuck this card and khartut defender too. Every time I play priest now I have to at minimum deal with 5 per game
fuck this card, you have to kill it 6507754 times every single fucking game and its just so boring. remove it please
Me: Oh, thank god Obsidian Statue is rotating out!
Blizzard: Eat shit, scrub.
got the same feels when these trash devs introduced blood of ghuun. hooray more engines for rez priest beta cucks
It was supposed to read "conniving infiltrator". Someone made a boo boo.
The funniest card ever introduced to Hurtstone. I crack up a little bit every goddamn time i play this. "Grutttngz fellow humanzzz, hehehehehe".
Such a ridiculous disguise.
"Hey bois. It's just me; normal human."
This thing needs a nerf. A big nerf. Fast.
The flavour of this card is just 10/10.
His summoning quote is...”Greetings, fellow human.”
Yup, totally cool, nothing suspicious about this guy at all.
I find it rather amusing that for someone called the "Convincing Infiltrator", this dude's characteristics are completely contradictory to his alleged personality. This guy practically SCREAMS to be noticed (the keyword ain't called "Taunt" for nothing), and when he DOES get taken down, he goes out of his way to screw over some random enemy sap who may or may not have assisted in his demise, implying that unlike the traits of someone with his occupation, he's not exactly someone who prefers going down quietly.
I fucking love it.
Rusty Recycler says: “Wow, that’s how taunt minions should be!”
Add these two together and you get Obsidian Statue, combining the best of both.
This half is the better half, though.