I wouldn't call dr boom tier 1. I have played a lot of wild and you almost never see it except maybe at really low ranks by players who think it's as good as it was in the past. it's just not a tier 1 card anymore, maybe tier 3.
I dont think they really looked into wild
Whether they looked or not, Dr. Boom is still the best unconditional 7 drop in the game. Including the damage of the boom bots, he has the best stat to mana ratio in the game. Better than Savannah Highmane, better than Bonemare and better than Twin Emperor Vek'lor . You have him on turn 7, playing him is almost always correct. He is a tier 1 legendary.
is there a reason why you believe this? if you look at the tempo storm wild meta snapshot, https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/wild/2017-10-28 , dr boom is only used in tier 3 decks and below. it isnt even used in reno decks, which shows a lot because in highlander decks, you would assume a strong singleton legendary would be useful. It's just a card that used to be good and is trash now. it's irresponsible to recommend anyone craft dr boom these days.
I wouldn't call dr boom tier 1. I have played a lot of wild and you almost never see it except maybe at really low ranks by players who think it's as good as it was in the past. it's just not a tier 1 card anymore, maybe tier 3.
I dont think they really looked into wild
Whether they looked or not, Dr. Boom is still the best unconditional 7 drop in the game. Including the damage of the boom bots, he has the best stat to mana ratio in the game. Better than Savannah Highmane, better than Bonemare and better than Twin Emperor Vek'lor . You have him on turn 7, playing him is almost always correct. He is a tier 1 legendary.
is there a reason why you believe this? if you look at the tempo storm wild meta snapshot, https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/wild/2017-10-28 , dr boom is only used in tier 3 decks and below. it isnt even used in reno decks, which shows a lot because in highlander decks, you would assume a strong singleton legendary would be useful. It's just a card that used to be good and is trash now. it's irresponsible to recommend anyone craft dr boom these days.
He is still in almost the 15th most played of all legendaries, and sits on a very healthy 57% winrate, which is more than enough to warrant Tier 1 status. As Bonemare has broken through in standard, those numbers might fall, but he is a very good craft for Wild players.
That list shows one version of the decks, Renolock and midrange paladin can use him very effecively. Dr. Boom is a shadow of his former self, but is still winning games on his own as an unconditional 7-drop.
I wouldn't call dr boom tier 1. I have played a lot of wild and you almost never see it except maybe at really low ranks by players who think it's as good as it was in the past. it's just not a tier 1 card anymore, maybe tier 3.
I dont think they really looked into wild
Whether they looked or not, Dr. Boom is still the best unconditional 7 drop in the game. Including the damage of the boom bots, he has the best stat to mana ratio in the game. Better than Savannah Highmane, better than Bonemare and better than Twin Emperor Vek'lor . You have him on turn 7, playing him is almost always correct. He is a tier 1 legendary.
is there a reason why you believe this? if you look at the tempo storm wild meta snapshot, https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/wild/2017-10-28 , dr boom is only used in tier 3 decks and below. it isnt even used in reno decks, which shows a lot because in highlander decks, you would assume a strong singleton legendary would be useful. It's just a card that used to be good and is trash now. it's irresponsible to recommend anyone craft dr boom these days.
I told you my reasons. Unconditional and best stats for 7 drop. Whether he is used only in tier 3 decks (which can change since they are meta dependent) does not really matter for the strength of a specific card. However, he is a staple in midrange decks (mage, Paladin and hunter) that are fit for the meta. And not only Tier 1 decks have Tier 1 legendaries. Jade Druid for example is Tier 3 in wild, but Malfurion the Pestilent is still a good card for a wild Jade Druid.
And while it is right that Highlander decks should easier include him, both highlander decks do now have a more synergistic gameplan. Highlander Priest and Renolock use their deathknights as winconditions. So there is much less space for good standalone cards. Removal and synergy is more important for them. In the Reno mage deck he is used btw.(Tier 2).
The rest of the high tier decks in wild are all aggro which curve out at 5 mana. Plus the token Paladin, which I used two months ago to get to legend on wild. And I used Dr. Boom with success. Calling him trash is simply wrong. I'll give you that he is not that good as he once was. He is still a great legendary though. And since he is neutral, he can be used in a lot of decks to replace other cards someone might not have.
Shall I cry because i get only Trash tier? (I don't dust to don't get them again.... but i still cry :/ )
P.S.: Witch legendary card we can't craft?
That's exactly the problem i have. My legendaries: hogger, millhouse, the beast, tinkmaster overspark, the voraax... except for millhouse (dusted him in frustration) i kept all of them to not get them again.
I get why your debating ,but some comments so aggresivly try to prove ther point.
Lets make something clear you should not debate on what tier a wild legendary falls into,this forum is mostly for new players to know what to craft maybe im in the wrong but THEY SHOULD NOT CRAFT DR.BOOM even if it is tier 1/2/3 so stop arguing abuit it. A deck has 30 cards if the deck has synergy in its cards it will always dominate single card performance,if a quest priest uses dr boom its not because its best 7 drop in wild its cause its 2 rattles to finish the quest ,if ther was a card that would have shit stats but would advance your quest with 3 rattles it would still be played.
NEW players should craft card for the classes they LOVE TO PLAY/HAVE FUN with since even a tear 3 deck can reach legend only difference will be at your winrate... Play a deck cause you like it/have fun with it not cause its tear 1,not cause you saw streamers play it,cause others says thats the deck to play.
And lastly i know this is a craft guide for legendarys but if your NEW its way better to craft 4 impactfull EPICS if you have the good rares
NEW players should craft card for the classes they LOVE TO PLAY/HAVE FUN with since even a tear 3 deck can reach legend only difference will be at your winrate... Play a deck cause you like it/have fun with it not cause its tear 1,not cause you saw streamers play it,cause others says thats the deck to play.
And lastly i know this is a craft guide for legendarys but if your NEW its way better to craft 4 impactfull EPICS if you have the good rares
Don't mind me, Just highlighting this comment too.
[edit] Kinda strange, but did people really forgot what's the importance in hs? The reason why you play it - for having fun? Yes, of course this could be interpreted in many different ways; some would prefer winning (at all cost), while some do this in their own way, but tbh I mostly see people in the first case. Sadly this also regards the casual experience, where fishing for gold by grinding non-meta decks is a frequently used procedure.
NEW players should craft card for the classes they LOVE TO PLAY/HAVE FUN with since even a tear 3 deck can reach legend only difference will be at your winrate... Play a deck cause you like it/have fun with it not cause its tear 1,not cause you saw streamers play it,cause others says thats the deck to play.
And lastly i know this is a craft guide for legendarys but if your NEW its way better to craft 4 impactfull EPICS if you have the good rares
Don't mind me, Just highlighting this comment too.
[edit] Kinda strange, but did people really forgot what's the importance in hs? The reason why you play it - for having fun? Yes, of course this could be interpreted in many different ways; some would prefer winning (at all cost), while some do this in their own way, but tbh I mostly see people in the first case. Sadly this also regards the casual experience, where fishing for gold by grinding non-meta decks is a frequently used procedure.
There is a list of neutral, powerful cheap cards at the bottom of the list, meant for new players. It is a choice by making this list to give the neutrals the benefit of the doubt when it is close between 2 tiers. Personally, I don't think new players will look to craft Wild legendaries anyway. We appreciate feedback, though, the list can alsways be improved updated to metachanges.
Should I craft the Priest Quest? I play a lot of my N'Zoth Razakus Priest, and the quest has always intrigued me as a good addition. However, even in Wild, I feel like two Reno effects is a bit overkill in most games. Is the Priest Quest worth it, or is it not rewarding enough to warrant a deck slot?
Public Mod Note
Moved to legendary crafting guide.
Should I craft the Priest Quest? I play a lot of my N'Zoth Razakus Priest, and the quest has always intrigued me as a good addition. However, even in Wild, I feel like two Reno effects is a bit overkill in most games. Is the Priest Quest worth it, or is it not rewarding enough to warrant a deck slot?
With Razakus priest going more and more in the combo direction, with card draw and "ammo" cheap spells, the quest does not fit so well there. However, I think Awaken the Makers can open up some possibilities, going more in towards grindy control with high-value deathrattle minions.
yes totally worth it! He wins me let's say 1 of 10 games per day by giving me a perfect random card. he also ensures bonemare target if you play him turn 6 so yeah he is decent in the deck. ( I play the list in my signature - last season top 300 finish - this season rank 8 atm)
You should save dust since they will likely do the announchment today and launch the expansion in December. Also because he will rotate out in wild in April.
I have been running Tempo Rogue the last two days exclusively and even though I have Shaku I don't include it in my list. Leeroy Jenkins is far more important IMO for that burst to finish certain opponents off, if you don't have it.
Hi dude, I am an guy who plays Elemental Shaman, Evolve Shaman, Malygos OTK decks and Dragon Priest, and I am not really a fan of golden cards so I DE them right away. However, I just pulled a golden The Lich King and suddenly my thoughts changed lol. I see it is one of the meta cards so I am not thinking on DE it, but do you think it would fit on some of the styles of decks I play?
Hi dude, I am an guy who plays Elemental Shaman, Evolve Shaman, Malygos OTK decks and Dragon Priest, and I am not really a fan of golden cards so I DE them right away. However, I just pulled a golden The Lich King and suddenly my thoughts changed lol. I see it is one of the meta cards so I am not thinking on DE it, but do you think it would fit on some of the styles of decks I play?
Thanks bro.
LK is just one of those cards which will do decently in any slow-ish deck. You certainly play him in all of them, except the combo ones, but there are better options for the slot.
Big priest, taunt warrior and ramp druid are his best fits, but he is also good as top end in midrange or filler in general control, jade druid, control mage etc.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
very usefull thanks!
That's exactly the problem i have. My legendaries: hogger, millhouse, the beast, tinkmaster overspark, the voraax... except for millhouse (dusted him in frustration) i kept all of them to not get them again.
I get why your debating ,but some comments so aggresivly try to prove ther point.
Lets make something clear you should not debate on what tier a wild legendary falls into,this forum is mostly for new players to know what to craft maybe im in the wrong but THEY SHOULD NOT CRAFT DR.BOOM even if it is tier 1/2/3 so stop arguing abuit it. A deck has 30 cards if the deck has synergy in its cards it will always dominate single card performance,if a quest priest uses dr boom its not because its best 7 drop in wild its cause its 2 rattles to finish the quest ,if ther was a card that would have shit stats but would advance your quest with 3 rattles it would still be played.
NEW players should craft card for the classes they LOVE TO PLAY/HAVE FUN with since even a tear 3 deck can reach legend only difference will be at your winrate... Play a deck cause you like it/have fun with it not cause its tear 1,not cause you saw streamers play it,cause others says thats the deck to play.
And lastly i know this is a craft guide for legendarys but if your NEW its way better to craft 4 impactfull EPICS if you have the good rares
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Should I craft the Priest Quest? I play a lot of my N'Zoth Razakus Priest, and the quest has always intrigued me as a good addition. However, even in Wild, I feel like two Reno effects is a bit overkill in most games. Is the Priest Quest worth it, or is it not rewarding enough to warrant a deck slot?
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
yes totally worth it! He wins me let's say 1 of 10 games per day by giving me a perfect random card. he also ensures bonemare target if you play him turn 6 so yeah he is decent in the deck. ( I play the list in my signature - last season top 300 finish - this season rank 8 atm)
You should save dust since they will likely do the announchment today and launch the expansion in December. Also because he will rotate out in wild in April.
I have been running Tempo Rogue the last two days exclusively and even though I have Shaku I don't include it in my list. Leeroy Jenkins is far more important IMO for that burst to finish certain opponents off, if you don't have it.
Catch me on YouTube and Twitch: https://www.youtube.com/c/Hindered https://www.twitch.tv/hindered_
My take on the Patches Raza Bonemare Creeper nerfs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wysTG125huM
it's fun to steal some cards from oponent and this deck is pretty brainless and boring without him
Hi dude, I am an guy who plays Elemental Shaman, Evolve Shaman, Malygos OTK decks and Dragon Priest, and I am not really a fan of golden cards so I DE them right away. However, I just pulled a golden The Lich King and suddenly my thoughts changed lol. I see it is one of the meta cards so I am not thinking on DE it, but do you think it would fit on some of the styles of decks I play?
Thanks bro.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Why is Majordomo Executus under Curse of Naxxramas in tier 5?