Well Archmage will always be around and is simply a wonderful mage card so it's obviously a strong contender for a craft, but there is not alot of Mage decks right now that are using him except for Exodia Mage.
Bloodreaver Gul'dan is also extremly powerful and it will most likely remain good. I can't imagine warlock decks that wont run him in the future. Only if Warlock becomes a dead class in the new expansion but it still can make a comeback in the season after that one. I think he might be one of the safest crafts atm.
Other than these two cards all pretty shaky crafts as new expansion is just around the corner. I would probably wait if i were you i have 2.4k dust right now laying around and i'm just waiting for new expansion to hit.
Keleseth fits into a lot of decks, but I haven't had as much success with him in Wild as I have in Standard (personally).
Patches for sure if Tempo/Aggro is your game. Lots of good Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Paladin, Warlock decks use him and the package, and he's still gg in Wild too.
I share your affinity for Ragnaros, and he was one of my first crafts way back when, but as you said he's not used right now. (wait a bit on him)
Malfurion is definitely a good craft if you play Druid frequently, since he can go in all builds and be good.
I can't speak much for the Mage Legendaries, but I will say Tony is Classic and you could get him from Brawl packs. I think Quest Mage is played pretty frequently in Wild though, but you would need 2 Legendaries to make it work.
Sunkeeper is a staple in ALL Paladin decks, probably one of the most solid crafts up there if you play a lot of Pally.
Rag Lightlord was only really used much when the card pool was thin. I don't believe he will make much of a resurgence in the future, so I would hold off on him.
I can't speak for Thrall.
Mal'Ganis is THE SHIT if you frequently play Warlock. So is Bloodreaver. Both amazing crafts, but they work most efficiently together.
Can't speak for Warrior cards either, although Grommash is Classic, so again a Brawl pack could drop you one eventually.
Hope this helps, gl.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Nature is the Day. Man is the Sun. Woman is the Moon. The Stone is the Sky. The Art is the Way.
I would also say either chose what is the most fun to you or save because expansion, the safest crafts are probably guldan and malfurion if you still play standard as well (guldan is just much better than jaraxxus and allows many different deck types).
I'd say go for a death knight in the class that you like to play, since you said you like control. Can't really go wrong with Gul'dan or Malfurion, those I would consider tier 1. Tier 2 is probably Thrall, Rexxar, Jaina. Garrosh is likely the worst of the bunch (I think this was because the quest from the previous expansion was one of the best in regards to getting a Ragnaros-type hero power).
Keleseth would be the other craft, but is primarily used in agro decks. But it is so fun to build a keleseth deck for each class. Many of them are actually pretty good.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Quit complaining and just have fun with this game!
i dont agree Archmage Antonidas as a tier 2 deck. Should be tier 1 as it fits in almost any mage deck. is as staple as Edwin VanCleef and more staple around time than Prophet Velen. Is a key card in exodia and freeze mage.Also gives a secondary win choice for most midrange and control mage. Also fills holes for legs in mage colections.
Was wondering tho, why is [card]Thrall, Deathseer[/card] Tier 1. I thought he would be lower on the list as the Shaman decks aren't Tier 1. Last time i asked around if i should craft it people advised against it.
i dont agree Archmage Antonidas as a tier 2 deck. Should be tier 1 as it fits in almost any mage deck. is as staple as Edwin VanCleef and more staple around time than Prophet Velen. Is a key card in exodia and freeze mage.Also gives a secondary win choice for most midrange and control mage. Also fills holes for legs in mage colections.
Unfortuntely, the metagame has not been kind to Archmage Antonidas lately, his performance right now is actually closer to tier 3 than tier 1.
Does Kun really make that much difference for Jade Druid?
I am looking for something different to play. I never jumped on the Jade bandwagon before, so I thought I might give it a spin now, but so far, my results have been terrible. Now, admittedly, a lot of that is probably pilot error since I haven't played the deck before ... but obviously I have played against it enough to know the basics. I have the dust, but wasn't planning on crafting anything else this expansion ... but I am burned out on every other deck I have.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I wanna glide down, over Mulholland I wanna write her, name in the sky I wanna free fall, out into nothin' Gonna leave this, world for awhile
Kun is a massive tempo swing on 10. Its playable without but you reallllllllllllly need to maintain control of the board and of the game, because its alot harder to sway the tempo of the game without him. Not impossible, just hard. I personally dont run him in my deck (mainly because i dont have him either) and the deck functions just as well. I just replaced it with a Lich King and it works fine
I wouldn't call dr boom tier 1. I have played a lot of wild and you almost never see it except maybe at really low ranks by players who think it's as good as it was in the past. it's just not a tier 1 card anymore, maybe tier 3.
I finally have saved enough dust to craft a legendary and am torn between three: Lyra the sunshard (to play Kiblers dragon priest, won’t play razakus priest), Rotface (for control DK warrior) or Frost Lich Jaina (fan of control decks). Would it be better to craft Lyra considering I could still unpack Jaina and Rotface as I buy the newest packs which is KotFT?
While not a "fun" answer, the most logical option is to sit on your dust for now. Blizzcon is in a few days, and with it the reveal for our December expansion. In the days following we'll have card reveals, so you can see if they pique your interest. After that, once the expansion hits live, people will be falling over themselves looking to discover what the new "meta" choices are; old Legends will rise, Legends will fall, and some new ones will join the team. If you're patient, you could have a front-row seat for that and grab yourself a brand-new Legendary in the process.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
Hey guys. I am a fairly new player.. Been playing since june this year. I have 4 dks. Mage, rogue, paladin and hunter. Have been gathering dust to craft legendaries. Need ur advise regarding the same. My goal is to make as many classes as i can playable and also to complete daily quests. So should i craft legendaries like patches, Prince keleseth, etc or craft the dks for warlock and shaman as i have almost all the class cards for the same.
Also in general, would you guys recommend crafting all the dks over crafting neutral and other class specific legendaries?
Well Archmage will always be around and is simply a wonderful mage card so it's obviously a strong contender for a craft, but there is not alot of Mage decks right now that are using him except for Exodia Mage.
Bloodreaver Gul'dan is also extremly powerful and it will most likely remain good. I can't imagine warlock decks that wont run him in the future. Only if Warlock becomes a dead class in the new expansion but it still can make a comeback in the season after that one. I think he might be one of the safest crafts atm.
Other than these two cards all pretty shaky crafts as new expansion is just around the corner. I would probably wait if i were you i have 2.4k dust right now laying around and i'm just waiting for new expansion to hit.
Bitch i'm Willy Wonka!
Antonidas, Frost Lich and Patches. My 2 cents: Open the waygate will not see much play in the future
Keleseth fits into a lot of decks, but I haven't had as much success with him in Wild as I have in Standard (personally).
Patches for sure if Tempo/Aggro is your game. Lots of good Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Paladin, Warlock decks use him and the package, and he's still gg in Wild too.
I share your affinity for Ragnaros, and he was one of my first crafts way back when, but as you said he's not used right now. (wait a bit on him)
Malfurion is definitely a good craft if you play Druid frequently, since he can go in all builds and be good.
I can't speak much for the Mage Legendaries, but I will say Tony is Classic and you could get him from Brawl packs. I think Quest Mage is played pretty frequently in Wild though, but you would need 2 Legendaries to make it work.
Sunkeeper is a staple in ALL Paladin decks, probably one of the most solid crafts up there if you play a lot of Pally.
Rag Lightlord was only really used much when the card pool was thin. I don't believe he will make much of a resurgence in the future, so I would hold off on him.
I can't speak for Thrall.
Mal'Ganis is THE SHIT if you frequently play Warlock. So is Bloodreaver. Both amazing crafts, but they work most efficiently together.
Can't speak for Warrior cards either, although Grommash is Classic, so again a Brawl pack could drop you one eventually.
Hope this helps, gl.
Nature is the Day.
Man is the Sun.
Woman is the Moon.
The Stone is the Sky.
The Art is the Way.
I would also say either chose what is the most fun to you or save because expansion, the safest crafts are probably guldan and malfurion if you still play standard as well (guldan is just much better than jaraxxus and allows many different deck types).
I'd say go for a death knight in the class that you like to play, since you said you like control. Can't really go wrong with Gul'dan or Malfurion, those I would consider tier 1. Tier 2 is probably Thrall, Rexxar, Jaina. Garrosh is likely the worst of the bunch (I think this was because the quest from the previous expansion was one of the best in regards to getting a Ragnaros-type hero power).
Keleseth would be the other craft, but is primarily used in agro decks. But it is so fun to build a keleseth deck for each class. Many of them are actually pretty good.
Quit complaining and just have fun with this game!
If you are considering only cards you've mentioned this is their current rating
Bitch i'm Willy Wonka!
i dont agree Archmage Antonidas as a tier 2 deck. Should be tier 1 as it fits in almost any mage deck. is as staple as Edwin VanCleef and more staple around time than Prophet Velen. Is a key card in exodia and freeze mage.Also gives a secondary win choice for most midrange and control mage. Also fills holes for legs in mage colections.
The last legendary i get:
-Golden Hogger
-Nat Pagle
-Prince Taldaram
-Mukla King
-The Voraax
-Herald Volazj
Shall I cry because i get only Trash tier? (I don't dust to don't get them again.... but i still cry :/ )
P.S.: Witch legendary card we can't craft?
Good to see a new version of this list.
Was wondering tho, why is [card]Thrall, Deathseer[/card] Tier 1.
I thought he would be lower on the list as the Shaman decks aren't Tier 1.
Last time i asked around if i should craft it people advised against it.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Does Kun really make that much difference for Jade Druid?
I am looking for something different to play. I never jumped on the Jade bandwagon before, so I thought I might give it a spin now, but so far, my results have been terrible. Now, admittedly, a lot of that is probably pilot error since I haven't played the deck before ... but obviously I have played against it enough to know the basics. I have the dust, but wasn't planning on crafting anything else this expansion ... but I am burned out on every other deck I have.
I wanna glide down, over Mulholland
I wanna write her, name in the sky
I wanna free fall, out into nothin'
Gonna leave this, world for awhile
Kun is a massive tempo swing on 10. Its playable without but you reallllllllllllly need to maintain control of the board and of the game, because its alot harder to sway the tempo of the game without him. Not impossible, just hard. I personally dont run him in my deck (mainly because i dont have him either) and the deck functions just as well. I just replaced it with a Lich King and it works fine
Did someone call for a fork?
I wouldn't call dr boom tier 1. I have played a lot of wild and you almost never see it except maybe at really low ranks by players who think it's as good as it was in the past. it's just not a tier 1 card anymore, maybe tier 3.
if you got the dust, craft it. still a few more months of jade before rotation and it's a card that can win you the game.
I crafted it a few weeks ago and i don't regret it.
I finally have saved enough dust to craft a legendary and am torn between three: Lyra the sunshard (to play Kiblers dragon priest, won’t play razakus priest), Rotface (for control DK warrior) or Frost Lich Jaina (fan of control decks). Would it be better to craft Lyra considering I could still unpack Jaina and Rotface as I buy the newest packs which is KotFT?
While not a "fun" answer, the most logical option is to sit on your dust for now. Blizzcon is in a few days, and with it the reveal for our December expansion. In the days following we'll have card reveals, so you can see if they pique your interest. After that, once the expansion hits live, people will be falling over themselves looking to discover what the new "meta" choices are; old Legends will rise, Legends will fall, and some new ones will join the team. If you're patient, you could have a front-row seat for that and grab yourself a brand-new Legendary in the process.
All of that being said, I absolutely love Frost Lich Jaina.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
Hey guys. I am a fairly new player.. Been playing since june this year. I have 4 dks. Mage, rogue, paladin and hunter. Have been gathering dust to craft legendaries. Need ur advise regarding the same. My goal is to make as many classes as i can playable and also to complete daily quests. So should i craft legendaries like patches, Prince keleseth, etc or craft the dks for warlock and shaman as i have almost all the class cards for the same.
Also in general, would you guys recommend crafting all the dks over crafting neutral and other class specific legendaries?
If you are just after daily quest viability then I would recommend the neutrals. Or even just strategic rares/epics.
I recommend you to focus on epics .. they are used more than most legendaries, but first, see which deck attract you the most, build it
Advice : save some gold to buy like 20 packs from the next exp you can collect 2k so easily