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WTF Hunter (steal i guess)

  • Last updated Aug 11, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • 4 Minions
  • 23 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8480
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/7/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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The basic idea is building a deck capable of stealing a lot of thing from your opponent. Aint noone is going to expect an actual steal hunter.

Archmage Vargoth is supposed to be a surprise, could be used with Animal Companion, so you can summon a second pet on the end of your turn, use Deadly Shot twice, use it with a spellstone, to get a full board of wolves or with Sylvanas Windrunner on board, you can trigger its deathrattle twice by a single Play Dead. When Sylvanas died, you can use the Nine Lives to get two copy of it, and even steal two enemy minions instantly. Sometimes you will need some extra draw, so you can do the double Flare (and even destroy the secrets).

Using this spells will allow you to build a board, destroy 2 random enemy minions, and even steal 2 of them aswell, if there is anything left with a single Zul'jin


-Stealing is just a tool, your deck is actually a spellhunter deck. You can play around the steal, but it wont be worth it in every matchup

-You have to watch out with the zombeasts, so you wont get unexpected result from the Nine Lives, unless you want to.

-Against decks, that can hex, or steal your sylvanas, just play it on an empty board, they are less likely try get rid of it by polymorph, more likely just kill her somehow, so the deathrattle will not do anything.

-Dont wait for your Vargoth. If you need to use a spell, like Deadly Shot, use it whenever you need it. Same goes for the Nine Lives. You can use a lot of things with Vargoth, so its clever to hold the Vargoth for the right moment, once you drew it, but dont try to wait 3 turns for the combo, because you might get overwhelmed. You will cast the spell a second time with Zuiljin anyway.



Against aggro:
Play as a regular spellhunter, you need to draw your board control tools, such as Flanking Strike, Deadly Shot, etc. I often try to get copies of vargoth, and just play it, so the enemy has to trade its minions. Can't serve more information, since they are playing brainlessly, all you can do is trying to keep up, and pray for lucky draws.

Control (without hex):
Favorable matchup for you, since the opponent plays slowly. I would recommend to play one of your spellstones, and one Unleash the beast before you go for a Zul'jin. This way he needs to burn a lot of control tools, and by playing Zul'jin, you wont loose all of your pressure, you can play things even after getting a full board with the hero card. Rushing sylvanas here is not essential (but can be nice against mech warrior and other things), just play the Play Dead combo when you see an opportunity. Keep a board of 2-3.

Control (with hex/poly/shuffle):
Try to get 2 copies of sylvanas. If that is not possible, then get the Vargot copies, and make him hex that one instead. After that, it is just the same, keep a small board, and steal whatever you can until the opponent runs out of control tools.

Your favorite type of matchup. Just get your sylvanas and vargoth (if possible) as quickly as you can, and you just play around the steal.

Special matchups:

Big (aka: brainless) priest:
You can ruin its day, but you really need to think how to do things. (The deck was made against the bigpriest by the way) Tough matchup. I usually try to play the freezing trap if i can, but if it starts with barnes, you really need to kill it before it can attack, otherwise you are screwed. No matter what he gets at the first summon, you need to steal it, and not kill it. Getting copies of sylvanas is really important here, and if u drew it first, before the Tracker, keep the tracker, they usually psychic after you steal the first thing, so keeping the tracker will let you get sylvanas back instantly. The copies are important, because they all run Entomb, and stealing your only sylvanas will be an instant loose. This is the one where you HAVE TO play around stealing in a way or another.

Jade Druid:
You cant let the game go for too late. You stand barely no chance, if he can summon 3-4 golems each turn. I would recommend to start stealing, when its golems are around 5/5, 6/6. Until then, just play as a spellhunter, really important to clear the board, and if he gets behind, cant really find its jade tools, then just go face as much as you can, but keep a small board, spreading pleague can be a pain against your 3/3 wolves.