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One of my fave memes, ngl
Works on Carnivorous Cube
best card art of the expansion
Love it ! ;-)
Wtf how can anybody say this is a bad card. In what bizarro universe is summoning a 3/2, a 4/4, 2 2/2's, a 5/5, a deathrattle beast, or mind controlling an enemy minion for ONE MEASLY MANA a BAD CARD!? This is a terrific card!
The problem isn't the value, it's hunter's ability to sustain. Sure, you can do wombo combos with Corpse widow and this card and a powerful deathrattle. Then what? Oh, your hand is empty, so you just lose anyway
Cutestone. Not competitivestone though.
Reminds me of the Adaptation Card from paladin, does that see play? I don't think so, while this is more useful since Deathrattle effects aren't random like Adaptations.
Not bad but i think if they use, probably it'll be 1 copy. Can't use 2 copy.
Yogg n Load plays deathrattles? O.o
those kind of effects can be pretty good with zombeasts. you will generally aim for them to have at least a mediocre deathrattle so nzoth can bring em back. If consistently getting a good deathrattle with make a beast is possible, hunter's draw problem is solved, and thus this card and terrorscale can be good , having always a way to get triggered.
The good thing is that triggering any deathrattle would be more or less worth even in the reasonable worse case scenario. Bad thing is that it's useless on turn 1 and it takes an extra draw and a card slot in your deck to just make its effect. Probably not worth it.
That being said, this should be a: 2 mana - trigger a friendly minions deathrattle. Draw a card.
I would be really okay with that, especially on Raptor Hatchling in Quest Hunter decks.
Cute combo with Devilsaur Egg, obvious synergy with Savannah Highmane... not sure if there's enough good stuff in Standard to make this worthwhile, but if it's there, I'll make the deck. N'Zoth Hunter is one of my favorite decks anyway, and this might merit an inclusion.
I voted "Meta-Defining!" just for the art.
Maybe one copy to make some crazy tempo swing, but "draw a deathrattle card" would be much better.
Sylvanas has time to Play Dead.
I wish I could upvote stuff just for this comment, but for some reason I can't :/
Sylvanas has time to Feign Death.
A Mediocre card, but adorable art. Sadly art doesn't count in games. But still, I wouldn't dust it...can't dust cute undead doggy. ^_^