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Look at all these Springpaw haters comment
I really like how they meow. So cute!
Soooo much worse than Alleycat
Stonetusk Boar is a bad card. This is a worse boar. That’s saying something. Though the lynx gives you a second lynx to play, sticking two bad cards together is still bad.
Great potential. Will be a staple in a lot of Hunter decks. Obvious synergies are the quest The Marsh Queen, Hunter's Mark, and Toxmonger. Other possibilities are Crackling Razormaw, Scavenging Hyena, Wing Blast, and Tol'vir Warden. Great card.
Lol have fun at Rank 16
Just look some cards of the game. We have cost 1 minions that make a minion when die, that have battlecry or deathrattle doing something. This one can attack minions when he enters (rush), and give to you another minion with rush too. Both are beasts, what is TRULY good to hunter's class, and both are cost 1, what can to be good with Toxmonger or the The Marsh Queen, or even with Dire Frenzy. Obviously you'll have a start for your game or a combo to force your opponent use stuffs, removals, outs, this things.
I hope you understood the power level.
ofc #haHAA
This is the first 1 mana minion hunter gets since ungoro and the release of the hunter quest. It was about time, and it seems like a pretty good 1 drop. I like it quite a lot :)
is springpaw it self a lynx?!
Early game - worse than the Fire Fly unless immediate synergy.
Mid game - assuming you built your deck, there should be synergies available. Decent.
Late game - Great with Toxmonger
Final score 3.5 / 5.
Toxmonger just busted a fat one
This card sucks balls. Hunter has had good one drops and this can’t compare.
Might be the buff quest hunter needs to....actually be playable at one point. The less 1-drops you ahve to include to finish teh quest the better. It also helps that the card actually does something.
Makes me wonder if Quest Hunter would consider cutting Keleseth in favour of Dire Wolf ALpha, Hyena and Razormaw.
This is easily one of the best 1 drops in the entire game. EXCELLENT CARD. Won't win you the game, but will get you there.
It's an Elven Archer that dies after dealing its 1-damage. But you get another 1-mana suicidal Elven Archer in hand. 1 damage for 1 mana is preeeeetty bad, but I think the fact it's a beast and therefore synergies with Hyena and Razormaw makes it decent. Far from one of the best 1 drops in my opinion, without taking beast tag into account it's way worst than Firefly.
My quest hunter with Toxmonger will be glad to see it
Quite effective little kitty. Will see play for sure, hunters do love those type of minions. I wonder if we might see some birth to quest hunter?
Hey it's an alley cat but 2 mana instead of 1!
In all honestly though, this can be effective because you can save the Lynx for later.
Legend says that Alleycat and Tabbycat went their separate ways. After years of training and growing up, they rejoined forces once again as tag team arena fighters.
No puns spring to mind for this one, might have to paws for a bit and think.