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I like this minion also the concept of mixing bear with a shark.
It has okay stats for 3 mana and nice effect.
why would you meteor an adjacent meteor
Why is this a beast? Its undead like Unearthed Raptor and Fossilized Devilsaur which weren't.
Well, it's not a skeleton...
That's a very arbitrary reason... its a mangled shark's head strapped onto the decapitated body of bear, and it gets to keep the beast tag?
bearshark doo doo doo doo doo
I admit it. I was dead wrong about this card. I really didn't think it would see play. Now it's replaced Rat Pack in so many decks.
The real MVP of the actual meta game! Singlehandly wins a lot of games against Priest and Mage if you can buff/adapt him.
The best card and card art in KFT.
No Kappa
I guess technically even Ultimate Infestation can't kill it.
this card is in my every fking KFT pack ?!?!!? is it just me or everyone else get it? wtf man.....
at least is not a penguin
Seriously Blizzard, i got like 4 copies of this card on 8 packs.
This card is bad. There are way better cards you can play for 3 mana, a 3 health minion doesn't cut it. A 2 drop can trade into it.
Crappy overhyped garbagio
What are way better cards? This is a decent minion, a Beast, and an Elusive minion, meaning that no spell can target it.
Here’s the deal with Bearshark. It has only 3 health. By Turn 4 or so, I want a minion to hit with Houndmaster or can trade into multiple enemy minions to eatablish board control. Bearshark can’t do that. Also, there isn’t room for a 4/3 Beast. It doesn’t do much. The only card I can see this replacing is Rat Pack, and that card is so much better because of its sticky Deathrattle.
Well, why not both? Against spell-heavy you use Bearshark, against minion-heavy you use Rat Pack.
What kind of sound will this majestic abomination create once it is dropped on the battlefield?
This might sound retarded, but I expected it to be a bit squeaky...
The gold version of this card is horrifying!
Is it broken coz these effects seem very amateurish:(