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Please ban or make more expensive. Everybody is playing this card and it's no fun anymore.
This card is just too strong. It can carry the hunter through most several rounds and sometimes even the game. Because of the health of the wolves it becomes even stronger as counters are few. And also it is far less difficult to execute than most other, less powerful spellstones. And keep in mind that this is After the death knight rexxar was released and after it was clear how powerful he was. And now we get zul'jin and the hunter spell bow as well.
And that's why we get so many hunters playing nowadays.
ps. this was the card that got me to create an account to comment on this.
waiting for this card go to wild
It just doesn’t make sense to me why this is the only spellstone that is on an ok power level before being upgraded.
I propose it should be 4 mana, summon one wolf, upgradable to 3 wolves.
Or keep it the same but 2 secrets instead of 1. (As blizz isn’t likely to go the previous route)
The way this card is currenrly is so swingy and potentially game winnig on turn 5. It just is not a fun way to make hunter viable.
Another (imo stupid) swarm card that requires strong aoe removal which is not available at turn 4/5 in most cases.
The only card I can think of that guarantees a full clear at that point on its own without additional requirements like spell damage, additional cards or rng is Hellfire. Duskbreaker and Dragon's Fury will be fine most of the times as well but there is a chance that you wont be able to use them due to unlucky draws.
In general I feel like aggro tactics have been replaced with swarm tactics to exploit the scarcity of good and efficient aoe spells in many classes.
one of the most braindead cards ever printed. all you do is playing 2 secrets and then playing this card. wow it really takes skill to click on all those cards. they dont even need to have a thought process, they just play 4 wolves on turn 5 and if opponent doesnt have aoe its gg.
Turn 4 with coin but yea, it's retarded. I play only with Rogue since beta and how i'm supposed to deal with it? Blade Flurry ? Nice joke devs,grats.
too easy to reach 4 wolves. it should have never been about summoning minions for that cheap cost. as a rogue player i dont have a way to beat this besides running blade flurry and that is shit vs all control decks.
How is this not nerfed yet? Power level of some 2017 cards is just out of control. Not upgraded this card is good. 5 mana 6/6. And it is soooo easy to upgrade its just retarded. Somehow they think a 5 mana 12/12 is normal...
This card need a nerf , or to level up need 2 secret still easy to complet but something , on turn 5 high percent game over and then level 6 comes the heroe card ...
This card is great. Combined with Hunter secrets that active when a minion is attacked, it can be really, really, really annoying for someone to deal with.
Easily the best spellstone in Arena. The baseline is great, and playing even a single secret makes it a nightmare to deal with.
Honestly, I think it should be 3/2 wolves rather than 3/3. If you don't have a 3 damage board clear on round 5 when this is played, you can say goodbye to your star.
This card is broken.
Great value and easy to upgrade. Excellent spellstone
Or Duskbreaker
You are dead by turn 7 haha