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  • Last updated Mar 21, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 10820
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/21/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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Hello Hunters,

In an effort to go maximal meme before rotation, I've been playing with this deck in Casual centered around death by goblin bomb on Turn 10 (as opposed to the more traditional aggro bomb decks).  The core of the deck is simply triggering 3 Goblin Bombs before T10 and then playing Da Undatakah + 2 Play Deads on T10 to send at least 6 bombs (12dmg) to the face.  There are a lot of shells you can build around this idea so I'd love to hear other's suggestions!

Although 12dmg is guaranteed, ideally you'll send 24dmg by getting a Necromechanic to stick the turn before or, if you play Spiritsinger Umbra + Necromechanic on T9 and they both stick, you could send 36dmg in a really unrealsitic two-turn kill!  ;D

I've moved away from the Umbra plan in the current iteration as 2x Necromechanic on T10 has had more success getting 1 to stick AND it enables you to play the classic Necromechanic + Void Ripper combo on T8 for 16dmg if the opponent doesn't deal with your bombs from Boommaster Flark.  In this scenario you typically don't need as much finishing damage from Da Undatakah and may be able to end things without the aid of another Necromechanic.


Our biggest concern is all the aggro decks out there at the moment ("Midrange" Hunter, Odd/Even/Buff Pally, Tempo Mage, etc.) so you're typically looking for your stall cards for the opening:

Because it's only a 1-of, I'm typically searching hard for Unleash the Hounds if I think I'm going to be in a wide board match-up (typically Pally, but also Shaman for fear of Bloodlust).  And I search hard for Doomsayer against snowball decks like Hunter as well as Warlocks for the fear of a T3 Giant.

If I start with Tracking + none of the cards on that list I'll typically keep Tracking and mulligan the rest just so I can search for one of the above if I get unlucky on the re-roll.

If I think I'm in a Control match-up against say a Warrior, Druid or Priest (pray to Yogg for one of these), then I'll be a little greedy and try to keep some card draw in the form of TrackingNovice Engineer, and/or Stitched Tracker.

General strategy:

The biggest constraint in the deck is not running any deathrattles besides Goblin Bombs so that your Undatakah gets the bombs guaranteed.  This limits your card draw options, but it also means you can't build zombeasts with deathrattle effects so be sure to keep that in mind (or you'll miss lethal by 4 points like I did upon building an Exploding Bloatbat!)

If you don't have Candleshot, playing Tracking on T1 is encouraged because: 

  1. You really need to churn through your deck.
  2. The only indispensible cards are Play DeadBoommaster Flark, and Da Undatakah so you have lower odds of having to choose between them.
  3. If you're forced to discard a card like Necromechanic for one of your stall cards you then know you may want to search for the remaining one with Stitched Tracker later.

The reverse of Number 3 also applies - if you play Stitched Tracker before Tracking you'll then know which cards you can safely discard which is also useful.  In general, Stitched Tracker targets include your crucial 1-ofs (Boommaster Flark and Da Undatakah), your bomb activators (mentioned below), Necromechanic, Spellbreaker, and Zilliax depending on the situation.  However, if you're in a good spot in terms of combo pieces and tech cards, feel free to choose Novice Engineer just to turn your deck over a little faster and find that 2nd Play Dead.

And, because we're running Tracking (due to limited non-deathrattle card draw options), we're also running some redundancy for our bomb activators in the form of Void Ripper and Baron Geddon.  If you're forced to choose between them, Void Ripper is better if you already have a Necromechanic but otherwise go with Geddon as he demands attention.  

As hinted at with Geddon, your Deathstalker Rexxar builds should also be centered around big-statted minions that demand attention.  The ratonale is simply that you want your opponent to use up their removal options so that there's a better chance of Necromechanic surviving before you play Da Undatakah.  Other zombeasts to target are the standard taunt, poisonous, lifesteal, and rush/charge options.

Otherwise, the deck is pretty straightforward.  You're playing to control the board early and you don't care too much about damage before playing Boommaster Flark.  After he comes into play you'll be pushing the pace and trying to get into the range of your Undatakah's lethal damage as well as exhausting your opponent's resources to keep a Necromechanic alive (playing two on T10 is often too much to deal with if you have board control or taunts up).

Alternate Builds:

 The current deck certainly isn't the most competitively optimized, but it does achieve the objective of an Undatakah finish more than most.  However, I could certainly see these builds being better if you actually wanted to climb the ladder:

Bomberman build - include a lot more mechs and be more aggressive in the early game so that Da Undatakah is only 1 win condition if you happen to get stalled out early.  In this build you'd include VenomizerExplodinatorWargear, and probably even Spider Bomb as you could run a lot more bombs (e.g. Bomb Toss and Whirliglider) and dilute the chances of Da Undatakah inheriting Spider Bomb's DR.

Beast build - similar to the mech package, you could play the standard midrange beast package of SpringpawDire Mole, Crackling RazormawScavenging HyenaAnimal Companion, and Houndmaster to pressure early even without running Master's Call.  Then you could finish the game with Flark and Undatakah, though you may not even need it.

Deathrattle build - the new autocomplete feature kept wanting to build your standard DR hunter with keleseth, eggs, witchwood grizzly, cube, kathrena, krush, etc.  This would obviously really reduce the chances of Undatakah inheriting your bombs, but that build is so strong you wouldn't need them (or da undatakah to be honest).

Replacements: (focusing on the expensive cards)

  • Doomsayer - any early game stall would suffice such as another Stonehill Defender, a Mind Control TechSaronite Chain Gang, or more secrets (Freezing TrapExplosive Trap, or Snipe)

  • Void Ripper and Barron Geddon - you could replace Geddon with another Ripper and you could replace both with Mossy Horror or the combo of VenomizerMissile Launcher, especially if you add more mechs to the build.

  • Necromechanic - tough card to replace as it's core to the build, but Spiritsinger Umbra would help add 6 dmg to Da Undatakah if it stuck (and, as mentioned at the top, if you could get both Umbra and Necro to stick you could output 36dmg)

  • Zilliax - very versatile card that can provide some much needed healing aggainst aggro...you've almost surely been tempted to craft it at some point, right?  Go for it!!  However, if you're short on dust I'd recommend just throwing in another Stonehill Defender as it gives you a chance at discovering Zilliax.

  • Deathstalker Rexxar - another really tough card to replace as it provides some armor and the infinite potential of zombeasts.  Again, I'd probably recommend Stonehill Defender for the stalling flexibility, but if you already have 2 I think Faceless Manipulator is an interesting choice.  It would enable you to copy Necromechanic on T10 if you already played 1 on T8 after Boommaster Flark.  Copying Zilliax or a super annoying card of your opponent's could also be worth it too.

  • Boommaster Flark - all you need is 3 bombs to trigger so Flark isn't necessary, he just does the job in 1 card which frees up a slot.  Alternatives include Goblin Bomb, Bomb Toss, or WhirligliderExplodinator.  

  • Da Undatakah - at this point you'll probably want to play a different deck ;P

Happy Hunting!

- Rang