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Even hunter is real bois omegalul.
Magnetic Bomber
Here's my theorycraft on a Goblin Bomb deck featuring Bomb Toss, filled with Magnetic & Mech synergy. Leaning towards building strong boards & combo threats as opposed to being too Deathrattle focussed.
Goblin Prank on the summoned bomb will be a lovely combo
Reporting for dut-
That Silver Hand Recruit
Ok, this card is really really great. Flexible removal for Midrange, SMOrc for aggro. Aaaaand, also summons a mech. That will be pretty relevant, because honestly, mech hunter kind of looks good right now. Not game breaking, but pretty good
Yes good SMOrc card
facehunter is back
It's face damage with more face damage included in a package! A good deal, indeed!
Arcane Shot with a deathrattle minion attached to it. Not bad but not great.
"Hunter has no way to deal 2 damage"
Flexible while still pretty smorcy...
I like it!