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Wild - Even Midrange Hunter

  • Last updated Apr 17, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 4760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/19/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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This is a midrange hunter deck at its core. After about 60 games I have a 59% win rate with it. Which is good I guess

Card Choices:

Deathstalker Rexxar secures a late game comeback condition. But this deck mostly revolves around the Dire Frenzy choices and 1 mana cost Steady Shot.

Dire Frenzy choices.

  1. Vicious Scalehide - Shuffles 4-6 lifesteal rush into your deck which are great for sustain.
  2. Dispatch Kodo - Shuffles 5-7 Nukers into your deck which are great for board control as well as large nuke finishes.
  3. Lifedrinker - Hybrid of the 2. 3 damage sustain 3 damage nuke 6-6 on board. 
  4. Armored Warhorse - 8:6 potential charge is for 4 mana isn't bad. I would do this one last or if I pet called for a free armored warhorse on turn 3 or something.

Pending on your play style and match-up these will be your primary targets unless you land a sweet zombeast that you want more of. Everything else is just the mid-range support. Genn Greymane is a slightly weaker Savannah Highmane.

More cards explained:

Quick Shot and Call Pet are your draw and support mechanics. Dispatch Kodo is similar to Fire Plume Phoenix, but you can power it up and use it to massively wreck faces. Flanking Strike is a support clear mechanic. Acidic Swamp Ooze is the obligatory Weapon removal Trogg Beastrager is great for tempo and makes your two drops better stated for battle. Golakka Crawler is a pirate killer that is a great 2 drop by itself since it is a 2:3 and that is a solid 2 drop statline.

Hunting Mastiff is more of a mid to late game card. I try not to mulligan for it, since it really shines later in the game. I've tried subbing it for Scavenging Hyena or Houndmaster. But Houndmaster is bad due to the Call Pet and him not being a beast. Lowering the chance you get tempo out of it. Hyena just isn't worth it. He dies to everything and just isn't that amazing of a Dire Frenzy target which makes him not worth to me. But hey put him in if you want.

Plated Beetle is sustain and a great 2:3 2 drop.  Explosive Trap is AoE removal to go with Rexxar to help vs odd paladin. and that's the deck :D

Choices for variation:

Golakka Crawler and Hunting Mastiff are by far the worst 2 cards in this deck. They have nice niche such as killing a pirate or Nightmare Amalgam, but a Secret or one of the following cards would be good replacements if you want.

Armored Warhorse - The upside of having a 5-3 charge on turn 4 is pretty nice Plus a nice little Dire Frenzy target. 

Arfus + Houndmaster Shaw - Arfus would be another viable Dire Frenzy target where as neither the Golakka or Mastiff are great targets for it. Houndmaster Shaw would give everything rush and is a 3:6 which isn't a bad body.

Explorer's Hat - Not a bad thing to buff your minions - Downside is it isn't a beast for Call Pet.

King's Elekk - Potential draw mechanic. Probably would be one of my top choices.

Glaivezooka - 2:2 weapon with a minion buff. Basically a weak Eaglehorn Bow.

Bear Trap Snipe Freezing Trap Wandering Monster Dart Trap - Secrets that help keep momentum. But they aren't bodies for the most part, So Bear Trap and Wandering Monster would be best 2 IMO.

 I had Huge Toad but they are too easy to kill sooo they're pretty useless.

Grimestreet Informant - Seems like a great card since you could get a lucky good card from it. But I feel like the 1:1 is too slow and it isn't a beast.

Haunted Creeper - however is a beast that is basically a firefly Definitely isn't a bad card but 1:2 leaves a lot to be desired for trading. 

I love Lance Carrier as a card. But I feel like a beast is better. 

Lastly, Mad Scientist - This could pull your secrets if you choose to replace both the Golakka Crawler and the Hunting Mastiff. Top choice would be 2 Mad Scientist 2 Bear Trap or Wandering Monster.  Downsides they are not beasts. Upside is they are technically draw mechanics.

Cult Master - Draw if you choose to keep the Hunting Mastiff.

Enhance-o Mechano - I don't feel like you keep a great board most of the time, but could be a snowball card. 

Eater of Secrets - Could be a great play or could be a dead card pending on matchups.

Fire Plume Phoenix - Good Tempo card.

Last but Definitely not least.

Skulking Geist The Black Knight Spellbreaker - Cards that should probably be in your deck, but I just didn't feel like altering cause I am winning with it as is.

 Follow me on these if you want.


Updates, replaced 2 Hunting Mastiff with 2 King's Elekk and 2 Golakka Crawler for 2 Armored Warhorse

Elekk wins more often than I thought it would which makes it as good as Golakka Crawlerand Better than mastiff in most cases. 

Armored Warhorse is a great Call Pet target especially if you can turn 1-2 pull him and get the charge off it is pretty intense. just more rewarding than pulling a Hunting Mastiff or a Golakka Crawler.