Call Pet
Card Text
Draw a card.
If it's a Beast, it costs (4) less.
Flavor Text
Real hunters tame hungry crabs.
Card Sounds
Draw a card.
If it's a Beast, it costs (4) less.
Real hunters tame hungry crabs.
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This card is nothing short of frustrating. It adds another level of "top deck unpredictability" to Hunter that people already hate, since you can get something like a Highmane for 2 mana, or another burn spell. Coin flip cards are no fun, and getting King Krush'd on turn 4 is impossible to play around.
Not saying it's great, just saying that inconsistent cards that offer high power when they work aren't fun.
This card was just to inconsistent. But it had potental.
My best experience with this card was way back in the TGT preview tavern brawl.
I was playing Alleria's joust deck against Medivh's inspire deck. Medivh played Nexus-Champion Saraad on like turn 7. I play an Armored Warhorse on 7 mana to kill it before it snowballs... and I lose the joust. Then I play Call Pet (created by Lock and Load).
And I topdeck Tundra Rhino with 1 mana left to play it, giving the Warhorse charge even though I lost the joust. Fun times.
I'm testing this Card now. I really like to us it on turn 1 with coin or turn 2. This way if you hit a 4 or 5 cost minion you really set the tempo for the game.
Synergies I'm liking so far:
Call pet also i find has nice synergy with king Krush. He reduces to 5 mana. so if you drop him turn five he can very nicely change the way the game has been going.
When coining on turn 1 for it drawing a Lost Tallstrider can be really good. while a vanilla card playing a 5/4 on turn one is definitely going to make it hard for your opponent.
Come TGT, this card may actually be quite useful!
0 mana webspinner op
This card is too fucking OP. Played it in my deck for only 4 matches until now after getting it.
First Time (Got Call Pet + Coin): Arcane Shot FML T_T
2nd to 4th Time (Call it Top Deck / Luck / RNGeus, Got Coin + Call Pet mulligan): Savannah Highmane 3 times in a row. Turn 2 Savannah Highmane , impossible to not win :D
I played this card in my beast deck and after using it for a few days with ~50% of my cards being beasts I just replaced it with River Crocolisk cause it was not working for me, just burning a card to get another card. Maybe if you construct highly curved beast deck with all of the strong beast it would be good, but then you will have super weak early game... I don't know about this card, seems good but doesn't work for me.
For this card to get any value on average, over half your deck has to be beasts that cost at least 4. But that would necessitate having a ridiculously high mana curve.
I think in general it's inferior to far sight...since unless you make a deck that has mostly beasts and very few spells and no weapons you will always draw a non-beast....It's the law of the universe.
I don't really find this to be a "terrible" card per say. At worst, you just draw a card (think of it as Life Tapping). At its mid, you play a free beast that would cost the same despite playing Call Pet. At its best, you get ridiculousness like a 4 mana King Krush.
King crush would cost 5 mana with this card. But yes, still ridiculous!
This actually is not that bad.. With Flare getting a nerf to 2 mana it wont be all that bad to be able to draw a card off it and possibly play a low cost super beast
This card will be good only if they continue to give us new cards like Gahz'rilla.
What we need is a good 4/7 drop card that would give even more reason to use this card and create a more control themed deck.
Even with Tundra Rhino/HIghmane/Gahz/Krush, this could be a potentially great tempo card.
0 cost Houndmaster and 1 cost Core Hound. Oh, also 5 cost King Krush and 2 cost Savannah Highmane
Houndmaster isn't a Beast and Core Hound would cost 3.
Oops, for got about Houndmaster and I get confused with Core Hound's cost and health >_<
People seem to forget that if you draw a 2/3 mana worth beast card it is already worth it. Also note that playing more mana in one turn is more worth than just the mana. What i mean to say is that a ligtning bolt isn't worth less than a frost bolt altough it doesn't freeze a target you get to play it early/with other cards to combo.
For example say you use this card turn 2 and you get a 4- beast card, you could then bow turn 3/animal turn 4 houndmaster + the free beast card. If this is a scavinging hyena you still have a 4/4 taunt + 4/3. If this is a oasis you just got yourself a 4/9 taunt +4/3 turn 4.
It's a bad farsight with a bad innervate combined.
Cards that do 2 things are generally good though as with the current beast cards I agree that this is not a good card. Yet.