Haunted Creeper
Card Text
Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Spectral Spiders.
Flavor Text
Arachnofauxbia: Fear of fake spiders.
Card Sounds
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How does this card not have an 'undead' tag yet? Played a game in arena and I killed my opponent's Haunted Creeper and nothing else. On their next turn, they were able to play Unliving Champion with it's battlecry effect.
can you not get this card anymore? it would be great for zoo decks.
it's in naxx, so no not since standard hit but you can still use it in wild
You can craft this card for a wild-deck. And it's still quite insane in wild.
Any good replacements now that it is wild?
I play Standard
closest thing we have for zoolock is the corrupted villager really, we do have imp gang boss which is similar in ways, also forbidden as well which spams tenticles for however many mana crystals you have.. I guess you already know this stuff by now though anyway!?
The one good thing about N'Zoth the Corruptor in wild is that I can finally see less of this nuisance. Since people want better minions to be revived, they don't put the Haunted Crap in. Heaven.
Make this card 1 health or make it summon only 1 spectral spider then it would be perfectly balanced. I mean 2 mana 1/2 minion with 2 more 1/1 is just fucked up.
The sheer attrition this minion puts the other player through is magnificent. This guy is very handy in any hero deck that can take advantage of the 1 damage output, like a mage, druid or rogue. Of those, the druid seems the most sweet for this guy. He has amazing synergy with all the global pump effects druids can run.
Question. Why are the spectral spiders not beasts as well? It would make it so much better for hunter decks.
Because dead spiders aren't considered as 'beasts'
I think it would be interesting if "Specter" was its own type of minion class. Other minions like Wisps or Lightspawn should be Specters too.
Spirit subtype
Odd that they would make the spectral spiders no beasts...even dead beasts are beasts, but I guess ghosts beasts are no longer beasts :) ....beasts...for good measure!
Goodbye River Crocolisk.This will be Hunter's new 2 drop. Has synergy with Starving Buzzard, Scavenging Hyena and Undertaker.
EDIT: Not so good anymore: The Spectral Spiders are not Beasts...