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[Meta] Hagatha Even Shaman

  • Last updated May 10, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 27 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Even Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 7560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/3/2018 (Witchwood)
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Hello fellow Hearthstoners! I'm Peeches and I'm an on-and-off Legend player (in the months that I have time to grind) here to share with you easily one the funnest decks I've played this expansion and with great success: Even Shaman! Shaman is one of my favorite classes to play and hasn't been strong since the Tunnel Trogg days, but I believe this deck has better consistency than Shudderwock decks to become the next strong Shaman deck. This is an early game deck that floods the board and centers, obviously, around Genn Greymane and the only even specific card, Murkspark Eel. This deck is most advantageous against other aggro decks and classes that lack effective AoE removal, such as the annoying Spiteful Summoner decks.

This deck has varying priorities throughout the game. Mainly it's fighting for the early board, but if that falls through it's stalling out with sturdy taunt minions like Saronite Chain Gang, Corpsetaker, and Totem Cruncher till you can fight back with Sea Giant or Hagatha the Witch. Surprisingly, the strongest totem to get on turn 1 is the healing totem, as paired with a Dire Wolf Alpha or Flametongue Totem can fight early board against those pesky 1 attack minions very effectively. Positioning of minions does matter in this deck. For example, you usually want to place your attack buffing minions to the right of Primalfin Totem because the 1/1 murloc spawns make for efficient trading.  What makes this deck interesting is that even if the game seems out of hand, if you can stall out long enough for Hagatha the Witch the game can turn in an instant with a single Ghost Light Angler.

Core Cards

-Murkspark Eel: Here for obviously reasons with Genn Greymane, the deck is made for this card. But a 2/3 body with 2 damage for 2 mana is insane value for getting early board

-Primalfin Totem: Great for getting constant minions on the board that can be used to trade, especially with flametongue or dire wolf

-Cult Master: This deck obviously lacks draw without cards like Mana Tide Totem, so playing this card at the right time with a good board can be incredibly valuable. 

-Hex: You can't rely on Hagatha to conjure up these bad boys for you. With silences being ever so important in the meta, Hexes are almost required as one of the only sources of removal.

-Hagatha the Witch: This card is really the MVP of the deck. It serves as the main late game option when you're exhausted of cards and have no AoE clear. 

Substitutable Cards

-Totem Cruncher: I tried it with 2 in the deck, but often times found them hard to get proper value out of them. Having one in the deck can still serve as a good stall card, or can even win games alone if buffed up to a 10/11; however, feels awful if drawn after Hagatha.

-Acidic Swamp Ooze: Run this if you're playing into alot of rogues or warriors.

-Corpsetaker: This card honestly changes the decklist alot, as it provides the only reason to include Al'Akir the Windlord, but I found it to be one of the most effective 4-drops to stall the game, or even do serious damage with a Flametongue Totem sitting next to it. 

-Sneaky Devil: This card provides sneaky value since it's so hard to remove, and goes great with your totems. 


Here are my personal opinions on matchups and ofc are not 100% correct, so feel free to ask about any of the matchups in the comments below! Also some of them will be brief because the mulligans will be very similar in most situations. Especially being limited to just even cards, the specific cards you want in the beginning will almost always be the same. So the best cards to keep for any situation would be Knife Juggler, Flametongue Totem, Dire Wolf Alpha, Murkspark EelPrimalfin Totem. I'll refer to these as Core Starts, because every matchup warrants strong early game and these are the best at doing so.

Druid: Along with the core starts, Corpsetaker or Sea Giants are good to keep as Druid lacks the efficient removal to deal with these cards, the Sea Giants especially. Sea Giants can push through their big taunts and can't be removed easily with spell damage cards. Against Hadronox Taunt decks, Sea Giant will be key and keeping the board in a healthy, unSwipeable range and kill before the taunts become too much to handle. Against Spiteful decks, just rush the board because they have no removal at all. Go face and save Hex for the inevitable 12/12. Against Aggro decks, just fight the board and you'll just naturally win.

Hunter: Along with the core cards, Zap, Acidic Swamp Ooze, and Vicious Scalehide are good for fighting the early board. Just fight for the board and hunter cant efficiently clear it. Scalehides can provide the extra bit of life that might make the difference between dying to their hero power. Sometimes I like to keep Hagatha the Witch as insurance in case I dont win the early game.

Mage: One of the harder classes to play against. I would keep the core cards and Corpsetaker. Against tempo mages it's the same game plan, and pray they don't get good removal from glyphs. Counterspell is no problem since you only have 3 spells, and against Big Spell Mage you want to win before turn 9 cause it's difficult to outvalue Jaina. 

Paladin: One of the best matchups for this deck. Core cards and Vicious Scalehide are great keeps. If scalehide is paired with the healing totem, the opponent will never have silver hand recruits on the board, it's pretty disgusting. Save Acidic Swamp Ooze for Vinecleaver or it you need a tempo play just use it on one of their smaller weapons, you'll likely win by the time their big weapons can make a big impact. Hagatha the Witch is another great insurance keep if silver hand recruits get out of hand and get leveled up.

Priest: Keep the core cards and Corpsetaker (nobody runs power word pain anymore). Whether it's Control Mind Blast or Spiteful priest, the gameplan is the same. Don't over extend against Duskbreaker and you should be fine. Usually have no problems against this class

Rogue: Out of any aggro deck this one provides the biggest challenge. Odd Rogue is probably the best deck in combating the board while putting out good minions of his own. Keep core cards along with Acidic Swamp Ooze or Corpsetaker. If you can safely maintain a nice board state while clearing his big threats like Hench Clan Thug you should be good. Gameplan is the same against Tess Rogue, that deck is very slow.

Shaman: Keep core cards. Any variation of shudderwock decks or tempo with elemental package is fairly slow, and you can easily amass a good board to kill early. Haven't played against many shamans, so sorry this one is brief.

Warrior: This class is also one of the harder ones to play against. If they can outlast your early aggression through armor and board clears, then it's hard to come back from even with Hagatha if they already have 30+ armor. Core cards and Acidic Swamp Ooze are good keeps, esp when using it to detonate the Bloodrazer early. Healing totems are the real mvps to heal durable minions from whirlwind effects. Using Cult Master effectively in this matchup is very key to keeping your hand full and ready to reload the board after clears.

Warlock: Some people have said they've had an easy time against this class, but personally this has been easily the hardest matchup for me. Whether it's cube, handlock, or control, they'll always find a way to Hellfire or Defile my board. And I can't express how many times I've come a turn away from killing them but they heal up so much health with the spellstone or Dark Pact. I'd say the gameplan is the same but pray they don't have these cards to sustain them. 




recent changes:

-1 Totem Cruncher

+1 Acidic Swamp Ooze

Thanks, enjoy the deck everyone! 

edit: Mulligan Guide is out!

edit2: Shout out to kiwiinbacon for showcasing the deck in his video linked below

edit3: Also shout out to jondblond for helping me optimize the deck by losing to me constantly