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Deal 2 damage to a minion. Overload: (1)
The material components for this spell are wool socks and a rug.
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Why Zap! doesn't have echo:
In Wild, there exists two cards that would make Zap! absolutely abusable while removing its only downside: overload. If used with Lava Shock or Eternal Sentinel, Zap! would be a zero-mana board clear, barring minions that can't be targeted with spells.
Even in Standard, having echo would still make it a Crackling Doom that doesn't affect your side of the board. Shudderwock Shamans would have another source of removal that actually lets them develop the board, and Overload Shamans would have a card that could almost single-handedly enable them to upgrade their Lesser Sapphire Spellstones to summon a bunch of Snowfury Giants after reducing Snowfury Giant's cost. For these reasons, Zap!, as it is, cannot have echo.
The golden animation is amazing!
Nerf Shamans (Zappy boi)
Wait wait wait... this is pretty much backstab with no requirements needing to be met, this is actually better than backstab surprisingly lol and it's for shammy
No. It costs a mana. Only the turn after, but still.
nice art!
I love how murlocs continue to be the subject in the art of removal spells like Devolve and Shadow Word: Horror.
This card is strong. It's easily comparable to pre-nerf Backstab, that just let you deal 2 damage to something. Unsurprisingly, that card was busted as hell, for several reasons, with one of them being that it's just too good of a tool early on to establish board control. This does the same thing, but getting rid of the downside and replacing it with overload. This is a bit of a big deal though, seeing as how overloading on an early turn can often come to bite you in the ass in terms of curving properly, but I still feel this card will see play regardless of that. If shaman sees major play this expansion, I can guarantee this card will be seen quite a bit.
thing is that overload is nothing for shammy so this card is probably gonna be... busted as hell lol and will be a Go to card for token decks that can turn 1 minion, turn 2 Zap, then minion and just never slows down.
That profile pic too
insane for arena
At first I thought it had echo and was like "WHAT???", but then I realized it is just a shaman Backstab...
Control-ish spell but usable but all shaman archetypes I guess. It looks wonderful, gotta see the golden art soon!
The unfortunate runt of Lightning Bolt's family
this is actually better then Lightning bolt. because of the fact it costs nothing to play helps with tempo. is why you see rogue always running backstabs and this card will work just like backstab but better.
Agreed, I'm SO disappointed that Shaman didn't get an Echo spell :'(.
Shaman did get a bonkers legendary, but We'll see if they can ever get to turn 9...
I'd think it is going to be reworded to say echo, the way for example Wickerflame Burnbristle now says lifesteal.
Perfect to kill a Ghost Light Angler, neat little art synergy there.