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Imagine if you could make a deck using cards from 2 classes. Imagine making an improved reno/cubelock with DH cards. Here I've listed cards DH has that could be amazing in warlock
Pit Commander, Hulking Overfiend, Priestess of Fury, Imprisoned Antaen (triggers upon summoning, and doesn't go dormant, I believe), Wrathspike Brute, Netherwalker as big demons that you want to resummon, Immolation Aura, Chaos Nova, Soul Cleave to add as AoEs Fel Summoner and Raging Felscreamer for mana cheating Nethrandamus is basically DQA, and Kayn Sunfury to smack through the enemy's taunt wall
BattleTag hiddenninja#2198 Favorite Class Priest Region EU