
Card Text
Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
Flavor Text
Your face is the place you'd probably least like a dagger, and where rogues are most likely to deliver them.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
Your face is the place you'd probably least like a dagger, and where rogues are most likely to deliver them.
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Who could have seen this getting into a constructed deck after all these years?
With enough card interactions, anything can become viable apparently.
And this being a decently sized minion that deals face-damage while costing 5 mana is perfect for odd-burn-mage.
Much worse than Lifedrinker, costs one more mana for an additional +1/+1 and no restoration of life to your hero.
Lol at whoever calling this card bad ^ it's a 4/4 (Yay priests can't shadow f 4 attack cards right) it deals 3 damage ... good in aggro decks
Jokes on you! My face is too full of arrows to take a dagger!
I think it's an okay card for rogues seeing as how they tend to have leftover mana due to using low cost cards, they can also shadow step them.
You could do far worse in Arena. Not a card for Constructed though.