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This card is cancer please patch if I run a passive deck I’ll get my ass handed to me plus it’s so easily acquired everyone literally has it
Such a great card for Pile On Pally decks. Works great for buffing Paragon of Light without needing a spell.
I like buffing pirates and chain gangs with this then dropping Bonemare and Corridor Creeper later. This meta has been the most fun in a while
I never liked cards that you had to deal with immidiatly if you want to have any chance of winning that game. This card is one of those unfortunatly.
Cobalt Skillbane
The amount of time this loses me an arena game because it lives longer than 1 turn is ridiculous. Please blizz reduce the amount of times this pops up in arena like you did with fledgling
Funny that this dragon is a big middlefinger for Dragonfore Porion. Big staple in both Aggro and Midrange decks in my opinion.
I love this damn card. so satisfying kicking ass with a bufffed up Sheep or Frog
This is inherently good in Paladin and Shaman due to their token generating hero powers, but that's not all...
1) Paladin can also abuse the buff with Divine Shield minions (this + Righteous Protector is disgusting), not to mention the potential for massive healing on Wickerflame Burnbristle and Corpsetaker.
2) It can make previously easy to trade into totems (Primalfin Totem, Mana Tide Totem, Flametongue Totem) a threat in their own right. It's especially great on persistent effect minions like Mana Tide because it will often force your opponent to decide which target they want to take down, giving the other minion continued value from it's effect.
3) Great on 'high health, low attack' minions as it take advantage of their potential for multiple trades. This perfectly lines up with Taunt minions because they typically have that stat distribution and also protect the Scalebane from minion attacks. If you can hide this behind taunts for even a couple of turns it can be game winning. This might even see play in Taunt Warrior for that reason.
4) As a fringe case, it's one of the only decent ways to buff the attack of minions in Mage which has interesting implications given the introduction of Frost Lich Jaina.
This card is SOLID.
Flavor Text
You get a sword! And you get a sword! Everybody gets a sword!
Thanks Oprah
Insane arena card
Another Dragon card? Oh hell yeah! I think I might build a dragon mage deck once Knights comes out.
Not as good as Drakonid Operative on turn 5 but might make Dragon decks possible for more classes than just Priest. Maybe another Dragon or 2 with the expansion, besides Sindragosa, and we have a couple new decks.
It should be "friendly dragon"....
This will be op on token shaman
Well considering how in one of my arena runs I kept going with Master Swordsmith like 10 turns without going down as shaman boy this here is a high quality arena card def for tokens and will see play in constructed in token decks.
Tehnicly its going to be great for paladins and shamans in arena for contructed everyone who knows to make synergy with it.
I like it a lot.
Good The Curator draw, makes Zoobot Buffadin one step closer to reality, synergizes well with Wickerflame Burnbristle, Knuckles, and Sergeant Sally, and seems like a nice common Arena pick.
Not meta breaking, but you'll definitely see it around.
#Lord of the arena?
Nice, more kill this minion or you lose in arena cards. At least it's nowhere near Fledgling.
A decent dragon... play it along side taunt and it is really good... May see some uses in Wild Dragon decks... hard to say if it is viable in constructed, but might be good enough for token decks... also dragon elemental mage might become a thing... boosting Lifesteal minions is really strong...