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Soul priest and this = Destroy a minion xd
Came up useful in the Jan. 18 2017 tavern brawl (Spellbook Duel), keeping a stealthed Stranglethorn Tiger up at high health through a Dragonfire Potion blast for my OTK priest buffing it, and waiting for Inner Fire to turn up.
Opponent conceded after the heal.
BTW, the interaction with this card and the Northshire Cleric is delayed; took several seconds to register.
Priest is getting all the neutral
still not sure how this is supposed to work with Auchenai...guess it's just an 8 mana destroy a minion combo
Embrace the Shadow for 6!
ABOut the card: for priests, it's sick. Seriously. Not only it can serve as a removal, but als as a healing and gin for mana geode, blade master, fel ogre... I mean, omg, why it has so low rating?
Funny, priest getting a ton of good cards this expansion. Even majority of the neutral cards are synergising with him pretty damn well. As a priest player, I'm happy
Coming soon on trolden: Hozen Healer with Auchenai Soulpriest on Wrathguard!
Just to avoid any confusion. This combo will only deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
terrible card to play on curve, thus its bad.
The new 3 7 who takes 2 each end of turn
I'm curious if this would interact with Lord Jaraxxus. You can target jaraxxus with sacrificial pact so could this potentially be Reno for Jaraxxus or not interact at all?
Jaraxxus is not a minion. But it is a demon.
They said that Sacrificial Pact on Lord Jaraxxus is a special interaction, as it doesn't specifically says "minion" but "demon". However, every other card saying "demon" refers to the minion tribe and can only target minions. This card isn't even concerned by that. It says "minion", so it's only minions, not Jarraxus the hero.
True and it removes freeze and repentance from him
If only it had taunt as well...
as it stands, a 2/6 at t4 isn't going places
In the jade decks maybe it could work to keep your 7/7 8/8 jade golems alive to keep tempo moving
Tree of Life + Auchenai Soulpriest does 30 damage regardless of current like total, so it probably work the same here, dealing the maximum health as damage to the minion.