Bolner Hammerbeak
Card Text
After you play a Battlecry
minion, repeat the first
Battlecry played this turn.
Flavor Text
Show him how to do something once, and he can do it a thousand times. This turn.
After you play a Battlecry
minion, repeat the first
Battlecry played this turn.
Show him how to do something once, and he can do it a thousand times. This turn.
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This is just a much more balanced Brann, but it will still open the door for plenty of Shenanigans.
5 Stars in Standart.
MY JAWS THAT BITE - Boner version
So if you play this guy + bloom + y'shaarj you'll get infinite circus medics?
Ding ding ding.
There are better combos though. Cards busted
Probably :)
I don't even think you need this guy to OTK since he's also like a sethekk veil weaver in an elemental deck. I'm definitely gonna try him out with medic thou. It's a 4 card OTK where one can be tutored. What combo would you suggest?
I saw this and though shudderwalk, but it more like a weak bran. Prob won't affect battle cry doubling.
How will this work with battlecry doubling?
Mailbox Dancer with Pen Flinger is the first thing that comes to mind, and anything with lackeys or whatever would be brutal with a potent enough battlecry. (Ok, watching the reveal, that's the first combo they mention)
Anyone who calls this a brann powercreep…. You’re wrong. This bastard has a different set of potential because you can play more than 2 of the same battlecry cards. Like knife vendor (removes random target problem)
Basically with knife vendor 6 mana nets you 8 damage to face and yeah 8 mana is 16 dmg. Granted If you have the 1 mana battlecry cards to play behind it, but shaman has so much damage output just playing this card and knife vendor and 1 more battlecry is 12 for 7 mana
kalimos and this bastard at 10 mana is 16 dmg to face, lightning bloom and two 1 cost bc’s is 32 no random target issues either
This card is insane.
This card will be nerfed to 4 mana
I have a couple decks that will truly welcome this card.
I am not sure how this exactly works:
when a card is played that buffs itself. Will the repeat effect buff the original minion or will Bolner repeat the battlecry as if he casted the battlecry himself?
Otherwise an updated bran bronzebeard:
Less mana to summon, repeats the most useful battlecry, reason to play penflinger.
Lackey Triggers
So his best friend is Kindling Elemental? It's going to be such a weird deck.