Fierce Monkey
Card Text
Flavor Text
Fierce monkey. That funky monkey.
Card Sounds
Fierce monkey. That funky monkey.
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He'll take you to the candy shop.
this little guy is amazing in quest warrior :D
This minion has Taunt.
This minion is used in Aggro Decks.
he is angry
Basically Ironfur Grizzly on steroids (+1hp) or just 1 mana cheaper version of Sen'jin Shieldmasta with -1hp downside.
Second Beastie Boys reference in Hearthstone? Or are there more?
edit: third -Sabotage and Saboteur.
Why this has so many downvotes?
Oh right, the angry kids of Hearthstone listen to Skrillex and Rihanna when playing their cancer aggro decks
Bolster warrior is eventually going to happen. Maybe in a couple of expansions
I don't like taunt warrior, but they can make it happen of course. Blizzard is after al designing the cards.
Protect the King will be a thing tho
nope, still won't happen
Taunt Warrior is finally a thing lul
Lifecoach is using two of this on his Control Warrior deck, it's actually pretty good.
replaced a slam and a pain for this works pretty good
This card is extremely solid. Even better than senjin.
you forgot kappa... kappa
this card easily replaces blackwing mechanic in dragon warrior
oops lol
replaced 1 bash