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Yo, where Bone Josh at?
I just realized and hold on, because i am pissed.. when bone dragon dies it spawns a dragon that is alive???? so hear me on this.. a dead dragon that spawns a dragon that is alive when it dies??? how? what? when? and where??? nothing makes sense anymore and it needs to stop
Deathrattle: add to your hand a Ysera, Deathwing or Primordial Drake. Only if you are playing arena.
deathrattle: add a alexstrasza to your hand
btw this card art reminds me lilragnaros
As a sucker for both Dragons and Deathrattles this card is the bane of my existence... I opened one of these in Golden and now I feel compelled to craft the other one...I mean,look at him he's so damn cute when he flaps his little wings.... Not to mention he would spawn more beautiful golden Dragons.... Hmmm maybe it's time I hit that "craft" button... After all it's been a while since I "wasted" dust on a whim.....
Edit: His cuteness won me over and I spent my first 1600 dust of KTF to craft a second copy of him and Twilight Drake to have playsets.... I also opened a golden Sindragosa (Sooo gorgeous) so I'd be really happy to play something like N'zoth Dragon Mage.... Hopefully Druid's reign over ladder won't last for too long....
I have one golden as well & I'm definitely crafting another if I don't open it. I love having all cards that generate other cards in gold. I got a Sindragosa from this earlier which sealed the game for me. Definitely loving running this card in different decks.
High value card. One I got a drakonid op off of bone drake, then I discovered my opponent's archbishop benedictus. The memes were immense that game! I ended up beating him with fatigue xD.
where can you see it? or any other golden card from expansion
...we will have every gold dragon, a must craft.
That's it Blizzard, keep 'em coming. One day my Wrathion will be good...
http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/877810-kft-dragon Thoughts?
I am trying a curator nzoth warrior [list](http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/891851-curator-nzoth-warrior). It feels pretty good. You can potentially get 24 armor from mountainfire armor(did it last game against a DK mage). You have a huge amount of late game with nzoth, potentially four 5 mana 6/9, each bone drake likely giving you a 5+ mana dragon. I never feel like I run out of steam with battlerage, curator and bone drake. You have decent early game with the pirate package, crawler, the tempo warrior 3 drops and 6 taunts for against aggro,
There shall be dragons!
I missed playing dragon decks in standard. There was a priest, but more classes will be so welcome to join him :)
Amazing addition to Dragon Priest, especially since some decks are cutting Lyra the Sunshard, so this is an additional and possibly more reliable way to maintain card advantage. Heck, who's up for the return of N'zoth Priest? With the addition of Obsidian Statue, I think we can expect N'Zoth Priest with a Dragon and Resurrection shell to make a comeback to at least as a Tier 2-ish deck.
Considering I did this with Rotface, why not do it with this adorable creature too?
So, a 6 mana 6/5 is a somewhat weak body, but it makes up for this in it's effect.
The Deathrattle gives you card advantage, and this minion can often trade up due to the aggressive stat distribution.
So, it's Deathrattle is pretty huge.
It gives you a card that is often going to be good.
This card is another technical infinite card and a superb drop from Shallow Gravedigger.
Standard Dragons: Itself, Faerie Dragon, Midnight and Twilight Drake, Book Wyrm, Scaled Nightmare, Primordial Drake, Malygos, Nozdormu, Ysera, Onyxia, Alex, Deathwing: Gone Cataclysm, and Deathwing: Gone Dragons.
Wild Dragons: Itself, Coldarra Drake, Dragon Consort, Twilight Whelp, Dragonkin Sorcerer, Hungry Dragon, Twilight Guardian, Azure Drake, Drakonid Crusher, Chillmaw, Chromaggus, Faerie Dragon, Midnight and Twilight Drake, Book Wyrm, Scaled Nightmare, Primordial Drake, Malygos, Nozdormu, Ysera, Onyxia, Alex, Deathwing: Gone Cataclysm, and Deathwing: Gone WILD.
Final Score: Very Good, will certainly see play. Great Arena card too.
I'll definitely try out 1 copy in n'zoth warrior, I think it will fit right in. The deck needs a big guy like this to get revived and mountainfire armor is just the cherry on top.
As cool as it looks, it might not make it into dragon priest (standard), the current dragon priest doesn't have room for this, there is no card you can remove to put this in, the deck already suffers against aggro decks and needs silence, weapon revomal effects.
slow, but very strong, will see game in dragon decks and maybe in control decks
In standard there are 13 out of 17 cards you would want to obtain from this deathrattle if running a dragon deck-> 76.5%
If not running a dragon deck, there are 10 out of 17 (with 2 others possible to add based on stats) worth obtaining-> 58.8%
Wild with dragon deck is 21 out of 28-> 75%
Wild without dragon deck is 15 out of 28-> 53.6%
So overall, this is a very good card. You will be more likely to run it in a dragon deck though considering that you will be more likely to guarantee value. But, it is not bad in non-dragon decks either since you are slightly above 50/50 of getting a card you could see as useful. Arena will also enjoy this card immensely as it is in the rare tier and can obtain you higher value cards.