Jade Golems
- Each Golem will be +1/+1 bigger than the last.
- Jade Golems can reach a maximum of 30/30.
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Now an elemental.
when a druid play this card
Why is there no Battlecry Jade Golem Shaman deck?
Cutest sound in the game
Yeah I will be crafting the Golden version of these bad boys!
For the first time I'm considering getting gold card. Too damn cute.
I think I've pulled like 12-15 of these out of my pack openings so far, but no other jade card #fml
Card's value in the voting should be higher. I don't see how you run a jade deck without this card, especially in Shaman and Rogue. But even in Druid, you need it. Even if you can pick an objectively stand-alone "better" 29th and 30th card, you'd still include this over them in a Jade Golem deck simple for the Jade Golem buff. So value of the card is high. I mean, the Jade Golem stuff is super degenerate to the game. All of the cards you can put in that great deck are great cards, because without them, you have no deck in the first place.
Cute golden animation :D
Awesome golden animation.
the most voted "playable" ever
nerf to Piloted Sky Golem in wild
its battlecry...
Jade Spirit?
Goons don't really care about *what* they buff though, as long as they buff something. Grimestreet Outfitter can give you anywhere from 1/1 to (realistically) 3/3 in stats for 2 mana, on turn 2. Lotus Bloom gives you 1/1 on turn 3.
Grimestreet Goons buffs your Acidic Swamp Ooze, your Knife Jugglers, your Rat Packs, and your Dispatch Kodos. Jade Lotus spend 4 mana for a 2/3 and a 1/1 with no additional effects, and that's to just start getting the ball rolling. Goons can't stand up to the Lotus late game, but the Lotus just gets shat on early by the Goons.
This could be a powerful mechanic, but the cards with the "jade lotus" keyword appear to be a bit too weak. Its the same problem with the grimy goons, you have to give up tempo early to gain it back later on the game, but, unlike the goons, i think these cards wont even be able to catch up on the mid game, it wont be until the late game that these jade golems will start to get out of control, and by then I think it will be far too late. Maybe this will work as a control archetype, summoning countless big dudes kinda like jaraxxus, but for tempo decks the stats are too poor.
These fuckers are so cute in WOW
just for giggle.
Brann + Jade spirit on late game after you build some jade golem before = 7 mana + 4 body which 2 of them maybe 4/4 and 5/5 (maybe it get even bigger).
These Jade cards are pretty all-or-nothing. Ideally you want this to be your third Jade Golem, or it's a pretty big tempo loss. Yes 2/3 + 2/2 is 4/5 of stats, but your opponent can do a value trade with most 3-drops.