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I think the problem with this card when the set was first released wasn't with its power level - it was the meta. There were a lot of staple minions in the MSoG meta that didn't care at all about buffs: Ragnaros the Firelord and Sylvanas Windrunner among them, not to mention Varian Wrynn if you aren't running a control or Pirate deck. This is all coming from a guy that fiddled with a Grimy Goons Warrior deck a lot back in MSoG.
Right now in KFT though, with all of these legendaries out of Standard and Saronite Chain Gang in the mix...
Is it just me, or is Ragnaros a magnet for this guts buff?
"ehm ehm"
Not many Grimy Goons for warrior, but the one card he got is amazing.
I hate those 4/3 cards. At least give them 4/4 or 3/5.
The whizbanga mark 7
I feel bad, but I don't
So I learned something interesting the other day: when/if this card (or any other Goons card) ever buffs your C'Thun, the game doesn't display that little pop-up that tells you and your opponent how big your C'Thun is. Not only does this mean you can surprise your opponent with how big your C'Thun actually is, turns out you can trigger cards like Ancient Shieldbearer despite not having buffed your C'Thun using the normal buff cards.
I still barely know what I'm looking at here.
These buff cards are going to become annoying :)
plz blizz stop the power creep with these grimy goons cards. The other two better be pretty busted gang synergies (ok maybe not lotus shaman and druid are fine)
turns out the jade golems are preetty good
I think they want this to be used in Taunt Warrior; it may just live more than one turn if you hide it behind a Taunt, and by pairing it up with Stolen Goods and maybe that Brass Knuckles card, you might just be able to stall until you've created a handful of supermassive Taunts that your opponent may simply not be able to push through in the mid-to-late game. Even buffing an Armorsmith, Acolyte of Pain, or Ravaging Ghoul could be hugely useful.
Just pack your deck with early/mid-game cards and rely on all these new hand-buffing cards to turn them into late game threats. I dunno, almost sounds viable.
Arcane Nullifier X-21
out of standard :<
Dopplegangster is the new Dr.5 confirmed.
Not bad arena card. Ok stats, good value.
Hearthpwn should have option preety good or good just for example this card is not meta defining but i better than playable preety good is right call in this one i think.