Vanessa VanCleef

Card Text
Combo: Add a copy of the last card your opponent played to your hand.
Flavor Text
Some people collect stamps or flowers. She collects enemies.
Combo: Add a copy of the last card your opponent played to your hand.
Some people collect stamps or flowers. She collects enemies.
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I might be missing something here, but how does her weapon fit into that holster?
Looks like it flares out at the end, so... unless it pops open with a button on the side...
Anyway, hype for burgle rogue stuff. More burgle payoff cards in standard pls :)
Pretty sure that it's Perdition's Blade.
Note: Make sure to play something after Tickatus when playing vs. Rogue.
I so forgot about that lol. Better yet, Shadowstep her and keep stealing Tickatus, and watch the cards burn.
OH NO! The crazy one is here in Hearthstone! T_T (I'm so happy)
Murozond is that you?
If they played a secret last, she's a handy way to know it.
Assuming the secret didn't just trigger off of her or whatever you used to activate combo, that is.
ahh yes finally!!
I love that Vanessa is finally in the game but the effect is kinda meh tbh.
unless opponent plays around it you can steal their win con tho :P
Probably my favorite Core Set card revealed up to this point.
I like her. She should grab some pretty interesting cards.