Reliquary Seeker

Card Text
Battlecry: If you have 6 other minions, gain +4/+4.
Flavor Text
The Reliquary considers itself the equal of the League of Explorers. The League of Explorers doesn't.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: If you have 6 other minions, gain +4/+4.
The Reliquary considers itself the equal of the League of Explorers. The League of Explorers doesn't.
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i like golden animation
Just like this card and playing a zoo lock deck with 2 golden ones currently at rank 4. I am looking forward to see how it works with the new forbidden spell that gives you 1/1s. With coin you could turn 6 summon 6 1/1s and a 5/5 and that is the latest you could get it out
So this card was mocked as worthless, found to have amazing value, but now withoutImp-losion andHaunted Creeper may fade into obscurity again.
GG Brode, releasing cards which require cards you're soon about to axe to be useful.Dark Peddler andImp Gang Boss will have to work overtime.
Well, she does well with Forbidden Ritual, I guess
She really doesn't, since you cant play her after ritual unless you coin. Her laugh is really cute though.
Really good when you already filled up your board as a Zoolock and get it from Dark Peddler
This card basically acts as a third and fourth giant in my version of Zalae's hobgoblin flood. I forgot to screenshot but onetime I got the ultimate 13/13 with two Hobgoblin and Brann Bronzebeard.
I tossed a couple of these in my Zoolock and they're not as hard to activate as people seem to think. There are lots of times I managed to drop a 4-drop and this (As a 5/5) on turn 5 or 6. Sure, sometimes it ends up just being a 1/1, but overall I think it has some potential.
For those who say it's a "win more" card, I don't think a board of small tokens will win the game itself.
I dislike the art of this card. It looks like it's been stripped from a bigger picture and overall doesn't highlight the character in it well.
It is, they re-used a TCG card art.
I honestly thought that this card is a complete trash, but it works pretty well in zoo (playing reynad's zoo atm). Played several games and not even once I had problem activating it.
This proves once again that you can't predict the future of the card.
I just now drew her off Dark Peddler, with six minions on board, one of them Brann Bronzebeard. 9/9 for 1? Yeah, I'll take it :)
So Reynad is streaming a deck with two of these for about 10 hours and having great success with it.
So now I expect every Zoo deck to run these because that's how online games community work.
Another aspect of this card, is not the inclusion of it to Warlock deck, but another situational card that increase the power of Dark Peddler. As taking this card while you have some minion on Board and Implosion in hand give you a 5/5 for that 1 mana which is usually awkward to curve out. But playing this to ruin my curve and stuff? No.
Coupled with cards like Imp-losion and Imp Gang Boss, or evenDreadsteed combo decks this can be a great cheap combo to the battlefield. If you have a strong board already, Brann Bronzebeard can turn this card into a devastating 9/9 for 4 mana. Most important, if you have a strong board, it's a 5 mana 5 damage clear withShadowflame.
The biggest thing is all the "ifs". It's incredibly situational, but I think could be usable
Imp Gang Boss, Implosion, Haunted Creeper and the everlasting Dreadsteed makes this card valuable. See Giant dies to BGH, she does not. The requierement shoulf be 4 or more, because as we all know you cant fill the board because you run out of options.
You can get 2 out if you suicide one of your tokens after playing the first
Filling the board not a problem with dread steed deck, but sucks with any other deck
It has no fit in handlock or even zoolock since it takes a spot for the normal imps. I like the card for the art and the concept, better than Sea Giant but harder to play.
But you run to the same problem: filling the board with no silence to counter any combo removal AT ALL.