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Nerubian was good with Abusive too. The problem is getting that combo by drawing only a few cards. 5 cards for the Grandmother, and 6 at most for Abusive.
I am not impressed. You are getting your 2 mana 3/2 1 turn later, which is a hugh drawback, and only getting +1/+1 as a reward. I just that got the feeling that this is meant to look like the new Haunted Creeper, but is just not. The meta of Naxx had a lot of support for the Haunted Creeper, and during that time face hunter was great so that card had a home. This card just doesnt seem to me as the thing that will push face hunter, its not fast enough or crazy enough.
However, i think its a pretty nice addition to Deathrattle Hunter and makes that deck a little bit better.
This card has some serious potential to do some damage. Think back to Nax when we thought the Spider was an amazing card for Hunter, now take those spectral spiders, turn them into beasts, and combo the overall stats into a 3/2 minion. Honestly, the amount of combos this card could provoke is pretty damn awesome. I would imagine that Ram Wrangler has a very high chance to return, or add this card with a beast N'zoth the Corruptor control deck.
I also think you've highlighted a key point several people seem to be overlooking - both components of the card are beasts (which Creeper lacked); this is fantastic for Houndmaster, Ram Wrangler and other beast synergies in Hunter decks
I mean it's pretty much the Infested Wolf but the stats are reversed and you get a 2 mana discount.
Good card but play this on turn 2 looks so weak. Only good with the coin
They want us to replace frogs or king's elleks with that?
i think the huge toad is really bad, it's forced into the current hunter deck just because its a beast. in fact, flame juggler is generally better, and replaces huge toad in more anti aggro decks.
I don't think Kindly Grandmother is bad, it's because the opponent is forced to remove it before a Ram Wrangler or Houndmaster swing turn. The problem with current hunter early game beast like Elekk and Huge Toad is that they're easily removed, thus you are forced to play hound master without getting extra value from it.
Almost, sort of, kind of like Possessed Villager. It's preetty good.
Yet another midrange/aggro hunter card.
This card should be the Bad wolf with Deathrattle is Granny
Blizzard is trying to make deathrattle hunter work in Standard. Very good stats and a useful card to have in conjuction with Princess Huhuran
I don't necessarily think this is the best card to proc with Princess Huhuran
You would want to save her for something more substantial like Savannah Highmane or Cairne Bloodhoof but this is certainly a good addition to the hunter's early game arsenal.