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This card would not be as overpowered if it wasn't a beast... Since both are beasts... it's just... why blizz :(
This card will almost certainly see play.
This card is very similar to Haunted Creeper in that it is a very annoying minion to remove and can be easily buffed by cards such as Abusive Sergeant and trade favorably. But a potential problem that this card faces is the fact that it starts with one health, which allows your opponent to ping it and deal with the token fairly easily. But, this will probably not bar it from constructed play as Possessed Villager has had great success.
Overall, a strong card that will more than likely shift the meta.
Yay! more early game cancer you have to kill twice.
I'm worried, because this card wants to be put in a deck with Abusive Sergeant or Lance Carrier... which to me smells like cancer. Nice that Hunter gets a good common, though, just for Arena's sake.
Sticky minions in Hearthstone almost always see play, this kind of stat line is better then the opposite, you want to token out first, buff trade get a real minion, could be very very annoying to play against.
This card is almost definitely getting play.
I think in both Face and Midrange Hunter.
Sticky minions is more of a Face Hunter staple.
Midrange hunter was so hard up for two drops it was running Doomsayer, so this card is in that deck no question.
sounds a lot like midrange more than face... seeing that Face Hunter doesn't really like trading and the "beast" tag makes it a good houndmaster play.
The deck that runs this and Abusive is probably going to the face though.
N'zoth approves
Getting anything from N'Zoth back is okay if the board is going to be full. If N'Zoth brought back six 2 drops, you'd most likely still win easily.
Seems pretty good to me.
I'm cool with this, just more Earth Shock value for me.
Why would you waste an Earth shock on this?
There are many situations in which you wouldn't want to use Earth shock on this card but surely you know there are also situation where you would use it on this card. Maintain control of the board, prevent opponent from having possible lethal and etc. plenty of situations.
How are people saying this card is bad? It's frickin' crazy! Hunter is already playing Infested Wolf even though (let's be honest here) it's kinda bad, only because Hunter is desperate for deathrattles. If "losing tempo" is what you're worried about, Infested Wolf is a 4 mana 3/3, which is MUCH worse than this card, considering this has an even greater value than the base value when it dies, making your opponent want to kill it less. The deathrattle from Infested Wolf is so easy to deal with that it's not even scary to remove in the first place, where as this is extremely threatening.
People don't get it do they? his card is meant to be sticky minion so you have better chance to stick somehting on the board just having the ability to attack is something really important..
This card will see play and is something hunter needed and din't have .. probably will take king's elekk place (since the "draw highmane" is unrealiable) sticky minion you can count on staying for when you get your beast synergy cards.. which as of now are really powerful
hunter maybe will get more beast synergy as well and this card will be amazing with it.
"people don't get it do they?"
Wtf are you talking about? You're defending the card as if everybody says it's bad, even though the poll and the comments clearly show that everybody thinks it will be either very good or op.
saw some comments about this card being bad :/ maybe I should've commented to those posts instead..
Huntard is back ?