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I think we'll only see this in facehunter, a little too slow as far as establishing board control goes for a midrange hunter.
2 mana minion that loses 1v1 with 1 mana minion Enchanted Raven
A simple 2 mana drop that will summon 2 mana drop with good stats. Nothing special.
Seems like this will be the new Haunted Creeper for Hunter.
its a strong arena hunter card, strong against zoo early game, another tool for hunter to counter warriors in the early game. probably not enough to make midrange hunter tier 1, but definitely helps snowball the deck to be even more dominant in its favored matchups.
To counter warriors? They just inner rage and 3\2 axe = wolf,s death.
Then it trades 1 for 1.5 and deals 3 damage to face?
I'm sorry, but minions with deathrattles that summon STRONGER minions are always opressingly powerful.
Opressing. It really just is. Think about past incarnations of this thing. Nerubian Egg, Haunted Creeper? Why is Blizzard remaking old cards with slightly altered stats? Are they really that afraid to experiment?
Think about how strong this is. Leokk, Hunter's Mark.
In wild, you have Glaivezooka.
This card is just disgusting, because it shows that Blizzard is content to keep printing these. Yes, aggro is a part of Hearthstone, but when Aggro is as strong as this, it is a bad thing. One word : OPRESSING!
I agree with both of you, sticky minions are annoyng, but at least this one is expensive.
Hmm I'm not sure if this card will be as good as you believe it will be. I don't see Twilight Summoner played much and this card is similar.
did you just call a 2 drop expensive? dear fucking christ that sums up the entire issue with Hearthstone right there.
Really interesting, maybe I'll try nzoth hunter again
This thing has stats for days
hunter cancer soon? hunter has a weak early game because it lacks sticky minions. This makes Hound Master, Princess Huhuran, and Ram Wrangler more consistent
And Kindly Grandmother wakes up after Karazhan night's party and the 1st things she sees is:
Yes with abusive and coin it can be really good.