Ram Wrangler
Card Text
Battlecry: If you have a Beast, summon a
random Beast.
Flavor Text
Not getting trampled is really the trick here.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: If you have a Beast, summon a
random Beast.
Not getting trampled is really the trick here.
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Ram Wrangler at the Ram Ranch
I legit forgot this card existed.. omg
I want to give a Tyrantus-sized thank you to sixtypercent for sticking through 'til the bittersweet end! If it wasn't for him, I one-hundred percent wouldn't be able to share this awesome moment. :) Fun fact: This was the first time I played Ram Wrangler during the Year of the Mammoth and on the first day of the expansion nonetheless.
I'm going to play this in Wild until i get Tyrantus .
Always give me Acidmaw when i'm ahead on the Board. WTF?!
Seeing is believing, so if you were skeptical before, here's actual proof of Ram Wrangler actually summoning King Krush. No words describe the joy I felt seeing him appear. But, the scumbag SMOrc Dragon Priest summed up my thoughts quite nicely with the single expression he or she bestowed upon me at the beginning of the match. "Wow..." To that remark, I reply with: "Thanks." Feelsgoodman.
Since I know somebody's going to point it out, "Gets King Krush from Ram Wrangler. Gets Silverback Patriarch from Webspinner right after. Never lucky." And, yes, I run King Krush.
In just half a month, we'll have the opportunity to summon Swamp King Dred in Wild. :)
in standard it should average you a 3/4 or a 4/3 creature and almost half of the beasts have a good text attached to them with only 2-3 of them having negative effects
Crazy when you get an Highmane,King Krush,Gah'Zrilla,The Beast,Sandworm,Savage Combatant etc
Damned funny when it works out in your favour though. I was playing a Shammie earlier who was getting quite intimate with my face (not as kinky as it sounds) and decided my 1/1 mastiff was worth ignoring.
Along comes Ram Wrangler and summons me a King Krush.
Game, Set & Match
Battlecry: If you have a Beast, summon a random River Crocolisk
If your opponent played this, summon a random legendary Beast.
I calculated that the average beast it summons costs 3,47 Mana, the 3/3 stats are almost of 2 mana value.
I didn't calculate the average stats but i think the value is still pretty good.
Poor Ram Wrangler, all these discussions about Rng really hurts his feelings.. Few people know he runs an animal shelter in his free time for stray dogs and dinosaurs.
Ram is a true animal friend
Are we sure the new beast is random? I seem to get a lot of 1 or 2 cost beasts from this card.
Simple probability.
One of my favorite cards now :D
This is a fun card, and usually gets 5 mana of value. Sometimes it will shut your opponent out of the game entirely. Like Webspinner and Quick Shot, the two minions Ram Wrangler produces helps make up for Hunters' lack of card draw.
3 times faced him so far and before each times he summons a beast i say it will never be King Krush and 3 times i got punished
2x Unleash the Hounds
2x Ram Wrangler
1x King Krush
1x Gah'zRilla
24x Other, Non-Beast
Great idea!