Frazzled Freshman
Flavor Text
"Late to bed, early to rise, makes a student unable to open her eyes."
"Late to bed, early to rise, makes a student unable to open her eyes."
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The art on this card is hilarious. Talk about derpy.
U Guys Kidding? Imagine Turn 1 this Card with a Power Word shield for 1/6 and then coin into inner fire for a 6/6 in Turn 1.
Just Imagine the Instant concedes...
I guess this will become a problem
Kripparrian doesn't like this.
"Some people have red hair, but not light skin and freckles. These people are called daywalkers."
I certainly didn't. And Dire Mole is a neutral card, meaning it fits into any zoo/aggro deck out there. This is a priest minion, priest have no use for a 1/4 vanilla.
soooo the card is probably good, but it is really boring Ngl
"Is vanilla 1/4 the most exciting new Priest card that they chose it to promote the new expansion?" (C) Zetalot
Because the world needs another aggro class/deck. WTF? Aggro is already a problem archetype, so the answer is to make more aggro decks. Hearthstone has a problem with power creep, so they turn to power leap.
Lol first of all this is a anti aggro Card not a aggro Card. And second the HS Meta is as Control heavy as it never was before since the last 4 or 5 Expansions. It got slightly better in favor to aggro when they released DH but this class got nerfed several times now.
Im pretty havent played long enough to know what a real aggro meta is. And last of all i like aggro meta and would appreciate to see it come back with this Expansion.
You're way off. a 1/4 that can be buffed by priest which is clearly the direction its going is definitely aggro. 1 mana 1/4, 2 mana +2/+2 and heal back to full health at the end of the turn makes a 3/5 fully healed at the end of turn 2. Thats aggro.
Wow, the beginning of yet another useless Pries archetype - buff Priest.
Turn 1,2,3 - play this + some buffs.
Then your opponent cast Devolving Missiles
Turn 4: Couple of Wisps on the board and no cards in hand
Thanks Blizz for the new concede Priest archetype.
What the hell? A card that can be countered by ANOTHER card? Why play otk decks, there is dirty rat. Why play token decks when there is psychic scream? What am I ever supposed to do when a card counters another card?
I'm playing standard - no rat, no scream here. Anyway Devolving Missiles will be played in every shaman/mage deck I can promise you.
Yep, another useless priest card.
This card will be one of the first few cards to nerf after expansion release. It should be 2 mana
lmao. no
A very solid tempo card. 1/4 for 1 mana in a class that have all sorts of tools to buffing and keeping it alive is well, quite scary.
If you mulligan this card along with let's say sethekk veilweaver and inner fire or apotheosis you probably win the game.
It's MUCH harder to get rid of a 4 health minion early in the game compared to a 3 health minion as most spells and abilities normally used to clear early drops don't do more than 3 damage. Add something like Apotheosis on top of that you have a 3/7 on turn 3 with lifesteal which kind of kills off any aggro deck as they would have to start trying to trade with you and you can just heal it up a bit while keep adding minions to the board, buff the freshman even harder or just keeping it alive while clearing the enemy drops with spells.
This is going to see play in Tempo Priest, which is already quite strong.
This won't create aggro priest alone but it's a really strong slot if it ever becomes a thing
Another shitty card for Priest, why blizzard? why?