Card Text
Battlecry: Your opponent's Hero Power costs (5) more next turn.
Flavor Text
Listen all y'all it's a saboteur!
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Your opponent's Hero Power costs (5) more next turn.
Listen all y'all it's a saboteur!
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Seeing him in arena again reminds me that I still adore the voice lines and the sound of his voice.
"Shall we put a kink in their plans?"
"Hahahaha! SNEAK ATTACK!"
how would this card affect the shadow reaper anduin's hero power? if you waste 5 mana can you cast again for 0 mana (raza) or it stays 5 mana during that turn like the saboteur text says?
Shadowreaper Anduin
This seems like it would fit much better as a lower cost card, since the primary use of stopping a hero power is stopping a ping to protect a small minion.
If this was, say, a 2/1 for 1 it could see some play in aggro decks, but still be very situational.
It seems to come in so late that it doesn't matter - protecting a 1 health minion from a hero power by dropping the minion and this on turn four isn't exactly impactful.
Especially since if the enemy really wants a one health minion dead, they'd likely have another way to kill it.
What if you brann + saboteur a boss with a 2 mana have-to-use-it hero power?
fun, underrated card. i cant tell you how many times i've played this on 3 or 4 and sent my opponent into the tank for for 30 seconds as their hero power blinks repeatedly.
You play Fencing Coach ?
I play Saboteur .
One of the most under-rated cards to come from TGT. 3 mana for a 4/3 which screws with your opponent's tempo is great.
interesting use for this card is that if your deck has many 1 health minions, this card will protect them from hero power for a turn.
Anti priest card, 3 drop that is 4 health so no SW:P
Stops Northshire Cleric + hero power on turn 3 or 2 with coin.
How to beat Nax Thaddius.
sorry, but i failed to see how anyone can see any reasonings given in those sentences.
Listen all y'all, it's a sabotage
Love the Beastie boys reference!
I wonder if this will be a good tech card in the early days of TGT, while people are messing around with Inspire decks. There will likely be decks with more Inspire minions sooner than later while the novelty is novel.
I see it as a tech card when the meta is run over by Hero Power decks that need to be shot down.
Here from the future of Even/Odd deck domination. Congratulations, you called it!
this card should have been a 4 mana 2/2 with the effect 'increase opponent's hero power cost by (1) for the rest of the game'.
"This card should have been something completely different that I just pulled out of my ass."
"this random guy should have been someone else instead an asshole who randomly insult other people."
Because that would totally be balanced.