Imprisoned Sungill

Card Text
Dormant for 2 turns.
When this awakens, summon two 1/1
Flavor Text
Imprisoned for ten thousand years! Not because it's a demon. Because of the dancing.
Dormant for 2 turns.
When this awakens, summon two 1/1
Imprisoned for ten thousand years! Not because it's a demon. Because of the dancing.
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This card is just pure trash.
A bunch of 1/1 that can't move until turn 4 is completely useless in this current meta where absolutely every class have access to better early cards.
Initial analysis after playing is that this is really good. It gets buffed instantly with Lightseers, Navigators, and Scalelords before opponent has a chance to remove.
I think this will be insanely good. Dormant is awesome for a murloc deck. Often, you lose games with murloc if you can’t stick minions. These will stick automatically, then the can be buffed with a lightseer as soon as they hit the board.
With all the other Imprisoned cards' stats, I expect either a 5/1 or the summoned tokens have Charge or Divine Shield. Instead, we got an even worse Sludge Slurper, because what's Paladin without a bad card.
Also, isn't dangerous Demons the idea of Imprisoned minions? Why would they choose to imprison this plain-looking Murloc instead of some Lightforfed Demon or a zealot (according to Paladin's theme)?
Kind of "meh" for murlocs. The whole point of murlocs is to hit hard and fast (unless you count old Anyfin Pally). This does neither. Decent card to play turn 3-4 along with something else, but just setting this on turn 1 (basically playing nothing) does not seem like the right idea if you want to spam murlocs.
Honestly, I think a lot of paladin decks may include this - not just murlocs or aggro. For midrange and control, the 1 slot is that slot where you don't *really* want to include anything - because most 1 drops are meh - but you have to so that you don't just lose to an aggro deck that curved out well. You can play this, forego the ability to use it for 2 turns, and instead get a 4/3 worth of stats for 1.
Good in theory, though the fact the stats are spread like that means that it's very easy for the opponent to deal with once they awaken (given that they can't attack the turn they become active). So it's not a definite thing. But if that did end up being the case, you would've only spent 1 mana and stopped 3 minions hitting your face for a turn, so I think that's enough for them to be good enough.