Lady Vashj

Card Text
Spell Damage +1
Deathrattle: Shuffle 'Vashj
Prime' into your deck.
Flavor Text
Personal handmaiden to Queen Azshara turned lieutenant to Illidan Stormrage. Also quite the hair sssstylist.
Spell Damage +1
Deathrattle: Shuffle 'Vashj
Prime' into your deck.
Personal handmaiden to Queen Azshara turned lieutenant to Illidan Stormrage. Also quite the hair sssstylist.
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I can't stop laughing. "Vagina Prime". OMG! That's the funniest thing I've read on this web site in a long time. If you only could see the card art for that my mind.
I want to craft the card and use it now just because I'm going to laugh every time I see it.
Had the absolute pleasure! of watching a shaman play vagina prime whilst i was bomb warrior. He had 8 bombs in his deck.
She has bug double battlecry (shaman quest hero power) doesn't work on Vashj Prime
The more I think about this card the worse it gets.....Now we already know that in order to activate her effect and make good use of it you need a lot of spells and good control to reach that late game in your deck. But what are Shamans tools to sustain that long? Hagatha? Gone in a week. Zilliax? gone too. Lifedrinker with Quest? gone too.
The next good heal/sustain options would be Witch's Brew and Walking Fountain+Ancestral Spirit. But do you really wanna deck 4 2-mana spells that serve no aggressive purpose that you then draw from Vashj Prime? Certainly not. That strips you off any good heal/sustain option for your deck.
All you're left is anti-aggro tools like board clears to stay alive. And that brings up the question can you ever play Vashj Prime for 7 mana in the first place without dying if by a miracle you survived that long without any of the heals I mentioned before? You might argue now well yeah she can just draw you that hard removal that you need Cant play it(1 mana too much). Scheme? Does 1 dmg after drawing.....Lightning Storm for 3-4 dmg? By the time of turn 20 when you get Prime this is certainly not an option to clear anything.....well but at least we can draw Spells that build up an own board incredible Taunt board to protect us like......Eye of the Storm? too expensive the same turn. Rain of toads? 3 2/4 Minions on turn 20 and Overload 3....yeah well played. Eureka and hope for Fountain that does smth actually useful?^^ I mean c'mon there is absolutely NO good option to get from Prime except Lava Bursts to finish but what if you draw those before? What can you do with this card? Its mind-boggling how bad she is really....
Now the only thing that rescues her could be the base version...+1 Spell damage 4/ well...Azure Explorer has 3 Health as well, +2 Spell damage and discovers a dragon(the attack difference doesn't matter if you want spell dmg for a spell based deck) no the base version kinda sucks too(its not a bad card but certainly not a great one especially compared to the other Prime base cards which are all really solid).
So whats left...well...a mild 2-Star rating from me in hopes that this at least gets some niche deck(that is pls not Malygos over and over again)
She used to be a Night Elf, you know.
Worst prime from all the primes. It either should had the normal version instead of spellpower, " you spells this game costs 1 lower" or AT LEAST the big version + 3 spell power. I mean yes what im saying is nuts. But every prime is somewhat "nuts" in its way excepting our shaman one... cmon.. and since shudderwock is gone and we only had ONE good deck (nerfed after 3 days of play) in the LAST 3 YEARS of standard, i think we deserved better.
Vashj Prime
You guys are missing where this card really shines. Just put it in burn Shaman and you can draw lethal on demand like stupid easy. Let's say you have doom hammer equipped and you draw 2 rockbiters and a lava burst. That's just 1 way to draw cards dude. Like this card is crazy if all the ones you draw have 3 or less mana originally and provide tempo/ immediate damage. That's why her stats are so low for 7 mana. Because she can just give you lethal in like 1,000 ways. Maybe you have a board and you draw 2 storms wraths and a spirit of the murloc. Please don't sleep on this card ya'll. Plus it has spell damage.....tsk tsk hearthstone community.
Well yeah Malygos deck could make this lethal but all in all its just worse than say galakrond rogue malygos version cuz you have to draw lady vashj, have it die unsilenced, shuffle prime, draw prime, PLAY prime(not ez to play a 7 mana 5 4 with no direct board effect) AND still have 3 spells in the deck, THEN not die the turn after you played prime, then play malygos and then finish. Its way easier in Rogue cuz Galakrond draws you 4 0 cost and Heistbaron draws 3 as well and they both are good on their own without some fancy OTK combo. I feel like Vashj is powerful yes but only in a burn OTK deck, nowhere else and even there you cannot make sure that you can always play her(unlike Galakrond and Heistbaron which are always playable and Galakrond is also searchable with Kronx while there is no search for Vashj). All in all I think this is just too difficult to build together. If she was at least some 8/8 with rush and this effect or had spellpower+4 or smth you could say you at least can play her on her own without the need of additional support to finish a game or clear a board. But the way things are now even if you draw Prime you have not only not won a game instantly but you might not even have ANY good turn to play her because of all the difficulties I just mentioned and that is different with all other Primes. They are pretty much OP to play in most turns.
This looks so bad. Like, really really bad.
I thought for the mega bundle I was getting this card and an additional Golden Legendary. Portraits are cool I suppose.
Totally. You have no guarantees that this will be useful late in the game. Unless there's something that combos with this.
I have a bad feeling about this... Cheap face-damage spells with +1 spell damage on board - or even +2 with totem up - can't be good..
I love lady Vashj but her card is really weak...
doesn't look as strong as the others :\
I like the concept of this card but the stats are too weak.. The 7 mana version should have +2 spell damage.
Damn, I really wish the payoff was DISCOVER 3 spells. By the time you draw the Prime version you probably won't have many cards left in your deck, never mind specifically spells. Unless Shaman gets a card that that shuffles new spells into the deck, it doesn't seem likely a Shaman will get to use the Prime Battlecry :/