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Bad stat line. Would be great if it was "Battlecry: Discover a copy of a divine shield minion in your deck." Might be too broken then though : /
Comparing this to Arcanologist it seems very bad, but that may just be Arcanologist being way too good.
i would preferred it as a 2/1 divine shield that search divine shields
Statline and effect are very similar to Kabal Courier, which is never used in paladin, so I dont know if it's viable.
I like how you didnt forgot to put the card name tag but forgot that courier is for the kabal classes only. XD
wow this looks intresting
It's interesting, but not sure if it can play on curve considering the lack of Divine Shield minions in the 4-5 mana range. Most of them are low cost like Argent Squire or high like Argent Commander or Sunwalker. Still a pretty good card though.
So ... why doesn't this card have Divine Shield?
So that you can have two of them and guarantee drawing Tirion Fordring and a Divine Shield of your choice, silly :P
It is too balanced to be good in constructed :v (nice in arena tho)
battlecry: draw tirion
Why tf did this get so many upvotes?
This should have Divine Shield for 3 mana. Too slow for aggro deck if not. For example compare to Wickerflame Burnbristle :(
You would think that for a "commander" this card would have slightly better stats.
Great card...good in control...divine favor replacement in divine shield aggro. This card is amazing.
3 mana 2/2 draw a card... looks like any other 3 mana card draws...
For most Paladins yes... Unless Divine Shield Paladin that Blizzards tries to push this expansion becomes a thing...
A secret is not worth as much as Tirion
So... umm.. Howlingologist?