Card Text
Dormant. Battlecry: Summon
three 1/3 enemy Warders.
When they die, destroy all
minions and awaken.
Flavor Text
Came from another world to invade Outland and bend it to his will… only to be overthrown by an elf from another world who invaded Outland and bent it to his will.
When you make this dormant again with Maiev Shadowsong, it clears the board again when it awakens. The card text doesn't follow the same logic though.
Has anyone seen the interaction with Bloodreaver Gul'dan yet? Does it come back as dormant or 12/12?
It comes back dormant, so you're stuck with a dormant Magtheridon for the rest of the game.
i got a golden version, is it good at all? or dust?
It's good to dust.
What happens when multiple Magtheridon are played?
Happened in my game yesterday... better make sure your own (friendly) Warders die first, preferably in your own turn. When they're dead your opponent's Magtheridon gets free first. If that happens in your turn, finish off the opposing Warders, because then your own Magtheridon gets freed and instantly destroys your opponent's Magtheridon while it's vulnerable.
seems like nice card to play against res priest
Recast this with Shudderwock which also recasts Hagatha the Witch. Instant summon a 12/12 in addition to whatever else you recast.
Killing the 3 doesn't summon a 12-12.
It causes a dormant 12-12 to become alive.
Ah, thanks for the clarification.
Brawl :)
I guess he will always be dormant when brought back by Death Knight Gul'dan?
Shaman can counter with
Several cards can counter it. But we cold'nt build a deck base to counter a single card.
Everyone can counter simply with Replicat-o-tron.
Glad that Mossy Horror rotates. That combo'd have been disgusting. Deathwing with no fallback.
The fallback is to use 2 cards on turn 10 for nothing if the opponent has removal, what is very likely at this point.. You simply could play Colossus of the Moon instead and would be better off.
Compared to the fallback of discarding ALL your cards on turn 10 for nothing if the opponent has removal?
Excuse me, does Colossus of the Moon destroys all minions?