• -8

    posted a message on Early Legend Hadronox

    Want them to play the game for you too? F@$%&'n guide... C'mon. Take the deck ideas, and play the game... If you need someone to tell you how to play a deck, what are you even doing?

    Posted in: Early Legend Hadronox
  • 0

    posted a message on 4 win condition Paladin

    Bet you don't uh... feel like such a smartass now.

    Posted in: 4 win condition Paladin
  • 0

    posted a message on We seriously need to talk about hunter

    A big problem theyre going to have isn't even due to the legendaries. They've made it easy for a bad player to take a super budget deck, and climb the ladder with it just going face. Maybe they're just trying to give new FTP players some confidence? Get them climbing, so they'll spend money next expansion? So, alot of the players that usually sit at level 20, are swarming through the ladder... Most of them will probably slip back down on or before next expansion, but if there was a deck I could have climbed the ladder with for 800 dust when I started, I would have loved it too.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 84% WR Kingsbane Pirate Rogue

    I would throw in a Lab Recruiter, to shuffle some compies of another weapon buff minion.

    Posted in: 84% WR Kingsbane Pirate Rogue
  • 3

    posted a message on Myra's Unstable Element interaction

    Gotcha. I didn't realize the spiders burn if your hand is full regardless, in fact, I could have sworn they've summoned when I had a full hand making them effective vs. mill decks, but I guess I'm wrong. Makes perfect sense though. Thanks guys. Is this true for all cards that activate when drawn? Seaforium Bomber bombs, Deck of Wonders scrolls, The Darkness candles, etc.

    Thanks again for answering an old question.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Myra's Unstable Element interaction

    I appologize if this has already been a thread. I searched for it, but the forum search function doesn't seem to work for me.

    I just got Myra's Unstable Element in a pack, so I built a deck around it's combo with Academic Espionage, having Fal'dorei Strider as an obvious great interaction card in it. I was really disappointed to find that even though I had shuffled 6 spiders into my deck, when I played Myra's Unstable Element, only one spider popped while my hand was filling, and once my hand was full, it just played an animation which 'discarded' the remainder of my deck, Now if I'm not mistaken, the card reads "Draw the rest of you deck" not, "Draw cards until your hand is full, then discard the rest of your deck". I would think a counter of how many spiders you've shuffled would be one of the first additional codes they would program to function with this card. It seems like a pretty obvious card interation to me, which I would be pretty amazed if there isn't already a thread on it, so my question is... WTF Blizzard?

    Again, I don't follow Hearthstone news as often as many do, so if this was the subject of many previous threads, I tried to find them and failed, so save the OMG you're stupid and out of the loop comments, please, and thank you.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • -13

    posted a message on Legendary MechaThun OTK Druid

    How do you kill Mecha'thun on the same turn you play it? You need at least 1 Galvanizer in this deck, so you can Naturalize it as soon as you play it... Am I missing something, or do you just hope they don't silence or kill it the turn you play it? Or, play it last, and hope they can't silence, or morph it?

    Posted in: Legendary MechaThun OTK Druid
  • 0

    posted a message on Shudderwock makes this game depressing to me.

    I thought they fixed the animation issue... I haven't seen it played in so long, I don't even remember. What rank are people seeing it at often enough for it to be an actual issue?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Legend Control Banshee Mecha’thun

    Galvanizer Makes it so you don't need to hold an Innervate. and Forest Guide would be a recruit for Oaken Summons, along with an additional card draw... I'm going to try it with my changes and see how it goes. Nice deck though.

    Also, I'm using Twig of the World Tree, and Floop's Glorious Goop, so I can have like 25 mana around turn 8.

    Posted in: Legend Control Banshee Mecha’thun
  • 2

    posted a message on Budget Dire Frenzy Shuffle Hunter

    Crackling Razormaw before you shuffle, and you can have 7/4 or 5/5 charge, or 4/4 charge with windfury.

    Posted in: Budget Dire Frenzy Shuffle Hunter
  • 3

    posted a message on 4 Lynessa Pally, now new and improved.

    You should throw a The Voraxx into this deck. 

    Posted in: 4 Lynessa Pally, now new and improved.
  • 1

    posted a message on The amount of toxic players suggests a report function should be put in
    Quote from SnarkLord1980 >>

     You have no idea what it takes to run a company, do you?

    When a report goes in, they HAVE to read it - They read EVERY report, so adding a report feature to the game would make them so much busier.

    Is this why 9 times out of 10, the reply I get back to reports is copy and pasted text that doesn't apply to my report in any way? I guess terrible reading comprehension is a prerequisite to the job of a report-reader, so they HAVE to read your report, but they're not allowed to understand what you're talking about... That, or they don't actually HAVE to read your report. Assuming opening a message is different from reading it... You'd have to know how to run a company to understand the report reading/replying process though, so I'm out of my league here... Wait, I do run a company. Can I hire you as an advisor? It's a carpentry company, but you seem business savvy enough to figure it out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on The amount of toxic players suggests a report function should be put in

    If the almost mono-syllabic emotes, and/or the 60 seconds or less it takes someone to max out their turn is affecting your day so horribly, I'd suggest some serious emotional counseling... Sounds like a pretty drastic reaction to a miniscule 'problem'. Like many have said, people are often playing out their class cards to complete a quest, and even if they're just being poor sports, it would take you longer to explain why you're reporting a person, than it took for the person to drag out the turn. If you're looking for a one button report option with no need of explanation, you also might need to work on your social skills.

    If it's the high of thinking you're about to win a game, turns to a heavy low, because you end up losing, sounds like the game is enabling some harmful addictive behavior, and it might be time for a Hearthstone break. 

    For the record, a 'toxic' person is someone who has substantial negative effects on your life. No random Hearthstone opponent should come close to having this impact on you, and if they are, again, time for a break.

    This has just been a free assessment. You can PM me to reserve time on my couch for $185 USD an hour.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 20 Legendaries working quest priest

    You have Lady in White, and Leeroy Jenkins in the same deck... I know legendaries are fun, but put SOME thought into it. Like, what is Malygos's +5 Spell Damage benefiting, other than your opponent?

    Posted in: 20 Legendaries working quest priest
  • 3

    posted a message on 70%+ wr Legend hybrid hunter

    I count 8 minions, unless you're just not including doubles for some reason, but that's 27% of the deck you'd have to alter just to include a weapon, and a summoning spell that REALLY slow this deck down.

    Posted in: 70%+ wr Legend hybrid hunter
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