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    posted a message on Post-Nerf Even Mage

    I love how people talk about 'mindless cards', etc... So, even if the card would make your deck more effective, you wouldn't use them? Just because you're too smart for them? Is it just me that feels that in itself is stupid? I look through 'net decks' for ideas, but rarely use them in their entirety, but if a 'mindless' card in my deck will increase my deck's winrate... I'm obviously going to use it. Why do I get the feeling the only people that post comments like that are just mad about the certain cards that are able to eaily counter their favourite deck(s)

    Posted in: Post-Nerf Even Mage
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    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from Petrallis >>

    Don't you people get sick and tired of constantly finding minor flaws and inconveniences that literally only you notice and rant about them like 10-year-old kids? Just because you lost a bunch of tempo in a couple of games due to Dire Mole that doesn't mean it should get nerfed. This is why the HS is getting worse than a stage 4 cancer. Same happens everytime someone doesn't like a new expansion, the rant starts all over again. Yes, the game isn't perfect, but just grow up and learn to appreciate it as it is. 

    I'm 50/50 that this guy's just a troll... My last reply included a rant that I later deleted, because I felt I was being baited... However, it's 50% that he's a troll, and 50% that he's the genetic result of a 12 year old getting knocked up by her father.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from zmauls >>


    Quote from RustInPeace11283 >>

    I never seen everybody agrees so hard with each other. Best post ever!!!!!!! Lol plz blizzard, you know nothing about your game, this guy knows, let's make a trophy to this hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Ty ty so much but i do not want trophy only balanced game where u should not be force to auto concede on turn 1 when opponent play 4 stat minon for 1 mana.... most powerful card in game people say is dreadwing but him 24 stats for 10 mana?? that is 120% stat when 1 mana = 2 stats (1 mana minion = 1/1, 2 mana minion = 2/2, etc) but not complain about dire mole??? 1/3 for 1 mana = 400% stats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     At that rate, they need to nerf Wisp, and Snowflipper Penguin!!! Their cost to power ratio is INFINITE!!!!
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    THIS makes me pretty salty... I've learned to live with the fact that the Blizzard server will crap out on me a few times a week. And, it's annoying when it happens on the ladder, or worse, arena. I accept that Blizzard will find a way to blame your computer, and will NEVER compensate you with an extra win, or removing a loss, because they don't want to open any floodgates to demanding asshats.., What really grinds my gears is not getting a win for this:

    Because, I've been at the other end of this several times, and Blizzard has never failed to give me a loss, and I'm sure my "would have been" opponent got a loss for the d-connect. Should there not be a "winner" for every "loser"? I wouldn't mind the occassional disconnect loss that isn't my fault if it hapened in my favour occasionally also. Id say I get 1 x "Your Opponent Has Left", for every 4-5 unexplainable disconnects in Arena or Ranked.

    Keep in mind. I'm not one of those people that cries about Blizzard charging too much, and I don't throw temper-tantrums when people that spend tons of money have better cards than me, mostly because I'm not a communist, nor am I an entitled brat who feels I deserve anything I haven't purchased, or earned. People that pay more SHOULD have better things. In all aspects of life. If my neighbour buys a new Chevy Challenger, I don't call Chevrolet and scream about my neighbours new car being faster than my 2004 Aveo, and that they should give me free parts so I can upgrade my car to match his if I drive it lots... That's ridiculous.

    But, giving someone a strike without granting someone a win... That's just cheap.

    If you're still here... Thanks for reading my rant.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!


    Quote from DiamondDM13 >>

    Wow this is sad. Your 30 Health in the Hero is a resource, one that can easily be manipulated up and down. I can take 8 Damage and use Dark Pact that I drew with my Hero Power to gain those 8 Health back for 1 Mana.

    The thing about Warlock and it's 3/9 taunt is that while it costs 9 Mana, it can easily come out on turn 5/6 and block you for 2 or 3 turns.
    Either way, you obviously started playing today and are not interested in learning even the basics, so I won't bother. Hopefully in a year, you will have learned the basics, look back on this thread, and see how frankly... dumb... those statements are. Understand that what you are saying about what can and cannot happen is correct, but you are missing very important basic concepts that would tell you that in a game where multiple variables matter rather than solely face damage, the face damage is not that relevant.
    That should hopefully help you see why Warlock, since the start of Hearthstone, has been one of the strongest classes even when it's decks depended almost solely on Neutral cards.
    It's not guaranteed to get Voidlord on turn 5-6... You could accidentally pull a 5/7 charge, and cube it to deal 15 damage to face... 15 damage to enemy, 2 x standing 5/7 charge minions, and restore 8 health to your hero for 6 mana... No big deal.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Dire Mole is Ruining Hearthstone - Please Nerf!

    Here's a reasonable nerf:


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on WoeCleaver OTk Warrior

    I think you'd really need 2x Dead Man's Hand in this deck. Or, else you're likely to draw, and play out your minions, leaving Woecleaver and a regular 3/3 weapon that costs 8 mana

    Posted in: WoeCleaver OTk Warrior
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    posted a message on legend big recruit warrior 56 % winrate, 300 games

    I run Rotface in mine too, but I find Dead Man's Hand super important. Especially if you draw Grommash Hellscream and other mindions early. Puts minions back in your deck for Gather Your Party, and Woecleaver to recruit.

    Posted in: legend big recruit warrior 56 % winrate, 300 games
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    posted a message on 100% WR Mana Addict OTK Paladin [Spicy Guide included]

    I took out Blessing of Wisdom because I had a few instances of Lynessa Sunsorrow gaining 2 copies, and not being able to attack with her, as I would Fatigue to death. I also removed Chillblade Champion and Blessing of Might. I added The Voraxx, because when you're deck is based on buffs... It's amazing... I also added Silvermoon Portal, which isn't normally the best buff, but it helps with board presence, especially when you buff The Voraxx, because it gets +2/2, summons a 3/3, and 2x random 2 cost minions, and if you're lucky enough to get Spikeridged Steed on it, you're set. The Voraxx + Lynessa Sunsorrow basically triples each buff you play.

    Posted in: 100% WR Mana Addict OTK Paladin [Spicy Guide included]
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    posted a message on Mathematical PROOF that Standard Ladder is Rigged

    I think you solved it...

    I did a similar test, and I found if you take Sonya Shadowdancer out of your Kingasbane deck, and repace it with Lilian Voss, you'll never run into Freeze Mage or Taunt decks...

    Also, if you take Prince Keleseth out of every deck, you'll never run into Cubelock

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [First Time Legend!] Spiteful Priest

    Great early deck right now. I cruised down to level 13 with 1 loss, but hit a huge wall at 13. I swear, there seems to be an army playing Quest Rogue sitting in the 15 pocket. I'll run Secret Mage to 10, and try this again.

    Posted in: [First Time Legend!] Spiteful Priest
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    posted a message on it was meant to be fun..
    Quote from EternalHS >>

    Another intellectual that doesn't understand the concept of subjectivity

    Was that directed at me? Are you referring to one of the few times I express my thoughts on this whole topic being subjective? Or, one of the few times I clarify my whole post is subjective? Writer, eh? Online degree?
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on it was meant to be fun..

    I don't really have much of an arguement here either way, but it is true, that the highest powered cards will always be OP. If you took all of those out of the meta, the next most powerful cards would become OP, and once they were OP enough, you would have threads popping up about them being 'broken" especially when the cards don't fit into everyone's favourite deck. If the game were completely vanilla to the point where everything were blank minions, and a 1/1 cost 1 mana, and a 2/2 cost 2 mana, etc., as soon as they threw in a 4/4 that only cost 3, the sirens would start blaring, and the group of people that had "unlucky" RNG in drawing it, and lost to it more often than it helped them would have threads on every message board about the broken 4/4 that only costs 3... Just a point of view... Not saying anyone is right, or wrong, and not saying anyone here is one of the people that would complain about broken cards in any situation... Just seems to be human nature to pass blame when luck changes out of their favor.

    I bet if the next expansion released a card that gave someone's favourite deck a 90% winrate, they would defend said card from nerfing. Even if the ONE card was able to increase their wins by 25%.

    If I were to post an opinion here I would be defending Call to Arms, and cursing Voidlord (could that help anyone guess that Paladin is my favourite deck, and that I despise playing Warlock?)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on it was meant to be fun..
    Quote from Hijelk90 >>

    turn 6 dragonfire

    turn 7 scream

    turn 8 anduin 


    When would you ever play these 3 cards consecutively? Psychic Scream to shuffle all of your dragons that survived Dragonfire Potion into your opponents deck?
    Maybe vs a Paladin that had lots of presence on turn 6, played Spikeridged Steed onto Argent Squire on turn 7, then a buffed Lynessa Sunsorrow on turn 8... Pretty specific conditions... lol
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on No more pity timer?

    I've been having pretty bad luck lately too... 15 packs since I've even seen an Epic... One of the 15 packs had 2 Rare, and they were both Murmuring Elemental :( ... They were all purchased with gold, and I don't spend too much, so I don't have high expectations. SOOO many doubles in the same pack it seems though, which doesn't really matter since it all turns to dust anyways.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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