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This is the real MVP of this expansion for non-aggro druids. This card is great against damage-based combo decks and aggro decks. This changes the matchup with Raza priest from "slightly favoured" to "very favoured". This is much better than Branching Paths, a card which provides no tempo and very little value. This is relevant in any matchup also because it thins your deck. The matchup with Raza priest is so favoured they have to tempo out Velen and Lyra every single time, even if they get Raza and Anduin by turn 8. Just avoid shuffling Jade Idols until you get Malfurion the Pestilent.
This is a card no druid asked but all druids needed (exept for agro screw those guys they already have patches)
For those wondering, it doesn't work with discounted cards, such as giants :(
For those wondering, it does work with discounted cards from Barnabus the Stomper.
Nope. No candles no darkness.
It a really good card... But it's not playable in jade decks X-) Maybe a new archetype with no battle cries. Maybe in big druide with the new 3/1 that gives mana.
It's been over 3 days, where's the voting pole on this.
So a Druid Ironforge Portal with more armour, and less mana...
no, because you also get the minion from your deck lol. there's always merit to making new cards better than old cards. half of it is so they sell and the other half is so players have a fresh experience every expansion. if you go into an expansion just giving existing decks support, you end up with a very stale game that sees the same cards played over and over. sure, this card is better than ironforge portal, a lot of cards are. ironforce portal is kind of just bad. just because they printed a bad card in a previous expansion doesn't mean every similar card printed from then on should be similarly as bad.
This in a deck with just Greedy Sprite as the only 4 or less minion seems good
Might be decent to get a Hungry Dragon for Jungle Giants. You'll need to somehow not recruit your Tortollan Foragers though
just don't play them. there's no need to discover 5 atk minions if all your minions have 5 atk. just put nourish and UI in instead. there's also the problem that ramping to 10 mana ASAP is just better than playing 5 atk minions on curve and then playing big minions for 1 mana every turn. if ever jungle giants becomes popular, it has the hardest counters in the game with psychic scream and twisting nether looming right over it, and one of those is going to be staple in the best deck in the game for quite a while. don't count on getting anywhere with quest druid because you're just going to run out of cards in hand and get your entire board cleared.
I think this card is not as bad as it looks, Druid doesn't need a bunch of low cost minions, and recruit filter those low cost cards that you don't want to draw in the late game.
Can be used to pull Fandral if it's only 4- minion (can be done in Big Druid).
But if you Draw Fandral this is a dead card. And also in that case you don't want to put 2of this card in the deck, so it's almost 50% to draw this before Fandral. (A little bit more counting the mulligan)
So, like ''Shield Block'' with 1 more mana cost, 1 more armor gain and the draw is always a specific minion that directly gets played, or would it be like an ''Ironforge Portal'' with 1 less mana cost 2 more armor gain and a more specific 4 drop though at times something lower. Either way, love it.
Edit - ''Shield Block'', ty Fanteezy.
Shield Block*
That one's the Hero Power
Not with the new trigger mechanics.
What is this, "druid gain armor on every card" thing going on, honestly druid doesn't need more gain armor effects and putting that effect on a bad/mediocre card to justify it being unique is a waste of creativity Imo Q.Q
uuh this card is nuts, idk what you're on about. pulls out Astral Tiger, pulls out Ironwood Golem, pulls out Fandral Staghelm, all nuts. this card will quite possibly put a midrange druid into the meta. maybe even Hungry Dragon is good enough if you're also running the 5 mana recruit minion. it's super easy for druid to ramp early game and not give a shit about playing small stuff, so skipping turn 2 to wild growth into turn 3 4 drop and 6 armor is insane. those are also just the best outcomes, even getting a 3 drop like Crypt Lord, Greedy Sprite or Tar Creeper is pretty nuts, and again, you literally don't have to run any 1 or 2 mana minions if you're playing this card, just run ramp instead.