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    posted a message on New Card - Cobalt Guardian

    The discussion is pointless until we know if it gives itself divine shield when summoned.

    If it doesn't then there are only a handful of scenarios where it's not complete and utter trash.

    If it does then it's gonna be pretty annoying to deal with.

    Also I was hoping for more synergies for paladin with this expansion, however the anti synergy with this card and SoJ, enabling big game hunter is the complete wrong direction.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Guardian of Kings inefficient?

    I have been wondering this exact thing for a couple of months now and have been trying to cut them from my control deck for even longer. The deck always seemed somewhat worse without 1x.

    The valuation would be a vanilla 5/6 with a holy light attached that must go to hero making it somewhat average.

    On the other hand if you were to compare it to:

    • fire elemental 6/5 + a 2 mana "frost" bolt
    • savanna higmane 6/5 + around 3-4 mana worth of deathrattle
    • ancient of lore 5/5 + a 3 mana arcane intellect or a targetable holy light

    Is there any of these cards you would not pick in it's stead, even for 7 mana?

    It's hard not to come to the conclusion that the card is over priced, the overall versatility of the card would be greatly improved if the heal was just targetable.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What are the Best Epics?

    you have to include some information on what you want to play to answer this.

    I can however tell you that 2x ancient of lore and 1x bgh + at least 1x force of nature is a must if you want to play druid, 2x ancient of war only if you want to go ramp.

    For a control warrior you would need 2x shield slam + 1x brawl, gorehowl not really needed because of death's bite.

    The paladin epics are sub par, avenging wrath and sword of justice don't see play unless you build the deck around them. LoH is an awkward card because a control paladin usually goes to fatigue and you don't really want to draw cards in addition to your acolytes.

    mage, spellbender is very situational, if you want to play freeze mage you would need 2x iceblock, probably 1x pyroblast and 2x doomsayer.

     control warlock you would wan't the molten- and mountain giants.

    As you can see it depends on what you want to play, but an ever safer route if you don't have them is crafting cairne, sylvanas, tbk, ragnaros, ysera in that order

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on "This deck did not reach legend"
    Quote from Ggjeed »
    Quote from nonnonx »

    By removing the first part what i was saying loose all it's meaning. And it's precisely my intention by putting a comment "it's a bad deck" to lead beginner to not try this deck, thinking it would be competitive. 

    I think a beginner trying out a bad deck and learning why it's bad is many times more valuable than them seeing "this deck is bad" and moving on. If you aren't going to give the deck poster and the newbies seeing the deck any inclination as to why it could be bad then you are hindering their learning process by encouraging them to ignore it. It's somewhat elitist to just go deck to deck saying "good" or "bad" in the comments with an attitude of "my opinion is important enough not to need to explain myself to these plebes." Just give it a downvote and move on. Last thing a deck builder wants is to get notified on a deck they made and see something useless. To reiterate, I do apply this to "this deck is good" comments, people can also explain what they like or why they think it's good.

    A beginner playing a good deck and learning why it is good is far more productive than learning a bad deck...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on "This deck did not reach legend"
    Quote from Zilixiana »

    All too often I see these unnecessary comments when looking through peoples deck, it's time for change. Usually I spend some time everyday to watch/skim through several decks to what all deck builders are up to. One thing that I don't like and do not admire at all are the hate comments, but its not only the hate comment that I lie an eye on. As well, there are these comments that are made up by false statements. The reason why I brought up this thread is to encourage everyone that is not aware of this problem to see it and act. 

    If you just would put an eye on the comments you would probably notice that there are these comments that are really annoying and addressed with inappropriate manners. Such a comment could be "This deck is not legend", with other words what these people are saying is pretty much like this: This deck sucks balls and couldn't possible had a place in the legend rank. I am not sure if all players are aware of the fact that every single deck has the possibility of reaching legend rank. Keep in mind that free-to-play decks have reached legend.

    I want everyone that's not, to be aware of that all decks are capable and if you don't agree comment on possible suggestions of change but if you're thinking of writing nonsense such as "this deck is really bad I lost after turn 1", then don't.

    For everyone, comment with friendly manners and help each other, god damn. Anyone else that who's tired of these unnecessary comments?


    If you in fact spent some actual time browsing decks you would see that every other deck claims winrates that are unsustainable and many even claim to have reached legend with "x" deck without a proof screenshot or even a  screenshot showing them playing a different deck entirely.

    The community calling these people out on it is not a bad thing.

    On the other hand, if it's bad manners over the internet that you are against, then well mate.....

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Ever though about a card's total stats?

    This, along with how to value those keywords + how to spot undervalued cards was addressed in a recent talk,

    google machinelearning in hearthstone and you will find it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Oh NOOO! What's gonna happen to Handlock now...?

    Handlock was strong in the olden days before they even started playing leeroy.

    Back in the day it used to be a serious control deck.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Tired of "Nerf/Buff 'X'" threads.

    You are right, but those threads are mostly ignored on the forum anyway.

    However I would like to add that I think it is hilarious that all those genius card wanna-changers somehow have just the right solution for a single card change but don't have the creativity to change their own decks to accommodate for what they are complaining about.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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