Stampeding Kodo
Card Text
Battlecry: Destroy a random enemy minion with 2 or less Attack.
Flavor Text
This Kodo is so big that he can stampede by himself.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Destroy a random enemy minion with 2 or less Attack.
This Kodo is so big that he can stampede by himself.
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you will shine again after one week..
Shadow Word: Pain made sweet love to a Chillwind Yeti and the result could not have been any better.
This card is SOOO good in standard! It hits so many current threat cards in the meta, regardless if they are protected by a taunt wall.
Brann Bronzebeard, Darkshire Councilman, Northshire Cleric, Imp Gang Boss, Carrion Grub, Doomsayer, Acolyte of Pain, Bloodhoof Brave, Humility or Aldor Peacekeeper + Anything, etc.
And those are just the priority stuff. Occasionally it'll hit something like a Stoneclaw Totem to give you lethal or an unbuffed Tunnel Trogg or Mana Wyrm. Heck even Scaled Nightmare, Gurubashi Berserker and Maexxna get rekt by this bad boy.
Throw it in all your Beast Hunter decks or Beast Druid decks or any Reno deck that needs a 5-drop/removal. You'll be glad you did.
I still run this in my decks to counter Finja, the Flying Star. It's awesome that it has remained so relevant.
This bad boy is back in the meta boys, with all these doomsayers and the 2/6 warrior taunt, acolytes,, and many others, this card is at least worth it a space in your deck, idk about running two outside of paladin tho.
Seems to be making a return in control paladin decks, good removal and a 3/5 body is decent.
Why do you want to play amgam rager?
Yeah I agree with you. Besides your aspects the Kodo is random while cabal is not. But you normally shouldn't compare class cards with neutral cards, 'cause the class specific ones are usually slightly stronger. I guess reducing the mana cost by 1 is way too insane, but maybe +1 health would be an ok change, although that's really strong already and maybe a bit overpowered.
I honestly think it's fine. For 4 mana you are paying for a 4/5 Yeti body. For an extra 2 mana you get a Shadow Word: Pain effect. Now the effect only hits 2 attack or less and you can't choose your target so knock off half a mana for it's inconsistency. Now take away one point in attack (or health) to remove another half a mana. That leaves you with a 5 mana 3/5 (or 4/4) with a pseudo SW: Pain.
As for Cabal, she's a Yeti plus the pseudo SW: Pain but you keep the minion and you choose the target. This does make sense because it should be a stronger option than the Kodo as it's a class card.
It's a poor man's/everyman's version of Cabal Shadow Priest. Also a lot messier due to all the stampeding going on, so the target doesn't survive :p.
However I run a copy in my midrange/tempo Hunter deck and rarely do I not get value out of it. Even later in the game, often people are just topdecking and playing their random minions which include the low-mana low attack stuff that's left over. Due to the better tempo I am getting I have replaced Tundra Rhino with this.
this is exactly on my Control Priest as Cabal temporary place holder! this card is under rated but i consider this my 3 mana 3/5 minion + shadow word pain played in one card XD
I DE'd Kodo a while back since I didn't have room for him in my Paladin deck. However, with the appearance of Reno Jackson from LoE, I'm tempted to craft him, before adding him in lieu of an Azure Drake.
Still trying to get the ever-elusive Tirion Fordring, however.
hahahaha i LOL'ed too much when i played this against a freeze mage, because i had the image on my mind Doomsayer with a plackard on his hand "the end is near" but then Stampeding Kodo just run over him
How right he was... ;) not in the way he thought though :D
This card is really undervalued. If you come to think of it, many minions in today's meta run a lot of minions with 2 or less attack. I am having a bang with this card while climbing the ladder. There was never an instance that this card wasn't used in full value.
It has a pretty good combo with shrinkmeister.
Combos better with Aldor Peacekeeper, but that's neither here nor there.
Fun fact:
The "Kodo" in the art for Stampeding Kodo is not actually a Kodo, but a Clefthoof.
Notice the hairless body and the shape of the toes
Again, notice the hair on the body, and the shape of the toes.
BB Maexxna
I keep forgetting this only works on <2 minions and would be hella useful against 3 or less
Awesome versus Warlock's stealthed Blood Imp instead of using AOE.