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    posted a message on Why doesn't this deck work???? Please help

    I'm no expert at deck building, but you have no turn 1 and no good turn 2 plays. Also, why Corridor Creeper? It is so bad now that it isn't even run in most Odd Paladin decks. Your hand seems to do nothing and you just play reacting to whatever the opponent is playing but you never have the opportunity to take advantage in the game until your final push (which can work as seen in exodia / combo decks, but even then they at least have another method normally at taking or burning down the opponent). I would suggest taking out 2 Corridor Creeper, 1 Crushing Hand, 2 Zap!, and 1Lesser Sapphire Spellstone,  and add something like 2 Unbound Elemental, 2 Earth Elemental, and 2 Mountain Giant.

    Again, I'm probably wrong, but I think if you have those cards it is worth a shot.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on What deck should I make?

    (No salt please)

    I recently borrowed my friend's cubelock deck and it was really fun. I enjoyed it and I have been considering crafting it since. He says that he crafted it because it should stay around in the meta until it switches over to wild, and even then it would be strong in wild. This interested me because I'm a f2p player and I don't have time to grind out the 100 gold every day and thus my collection isn't massive. Normally I hop on every time my quests are filled up and complete one or two (if I'm lucky all three). I want to be competitive so I'd want a tier 1 or a good 2 deck; however, I also want a fun deck to play which I had in my experience with cubelock. 

    I have the dust necessary to craft cubelock, around 12,000, but I'll need to spend probably 8,000 of it to craft it. Is it worth it? I'll also consider what you guys have to say regarding other decks that may stick around.

    As of now I think it's my best bet to craft cubelock, but I want to get a few opinions from other people that may understand where I'm coming from.

    P.S. I have also considered saving my dust for the next expansion to see if I can use a competitive Shudderwock deck. I also don't want to use any decks relating to Spiteful Summoner, I just don't like that interaction.


    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Pack Prices

    Coming from someone majoring in business, lowering their prices to meet demand seems right. Since they are selling something virtual, they pretty much have an endless supply, therefore the only need for them is to meet demand. I'm a free to play player ever since I started playing a couple years ago and I have never bought a pack with real currency. If they dropped the price or at least made something like, get this amount of dust for this much money, I would actually really consider paying them. With the current algorithm, people have opened 200+ packs to not get every card in a set which is a ridiculous amount of money. Right now they are basically feeding off of the whales. I would think that all of the players like me would actually contribute more than just .1% of the hearthstone players.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Tempostorm Meta Snapshot

    I looked at Tempostorm's meta snapshot just to see what's going on with the meta. When I looked at their new snapshot today, I was a little confused and wondered what they were thinking. They placed control warlock at tier 1 as the #1 deck and moved down odd paladin to tier 2. If I go to HSReplay, I see odd paladin with a 57.21% winrate and control warlock with less than 50%. Am I missing something? Is Tempostorm just unreliable for meta snapshots anymore? What do you think?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Just played 7 games and lost all 7 in a row with Odd Paladin. I couldn't believe it. Every single deck I went against had perfect draws and I was making the best plays I could. I lost to an elemental shaman that was just bonkers with their curve and also a big spell mage that had coined out Frost Lich Jaina on 8. Just so stupid how it feels like 80% of this game is just straight luck and the rest is a little skill.  I normally don't post in here but I just had to with the stupid rng I had.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Crafting New Decks

    It has almost been a week since the launch of the Witchwood expansion. I'm wondering when it should be ok to start crafting decks and when we should expect to see the meta settle down. I've been holding off crafting anything at the start of any expansion ever since learning my lesson from crafting cards to the Un'Goro Taunt warrior and then having Quest Rogue and other decks obliterate it only a week later (I then crafted that but then it got nerfed :D).

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 2

    posted a message on New Paladin Minion - Bellringer Sentry


    Quote from hillandder >>

    For me it is better than MC.

    You don't need to fill your deck with so many secrets like MC and if your don't have luck to draw MC your draws are terrible with cheap secrets in mid/late game, this new one thin your deck 2 turns early.

    This is the kind of card warrior, rogue and shaman need so desesperately, good tempo and value at the same time and Blizzard give to a class already have one of more broken cards ever Call To Arms.

    I never felt an expansion and meta so unbalanced like this one, what is good become better, what is bad become garbage. :(

    The expansion isn't over yet. Maybe they are saving the best for last. Aren't the best cards the ones that are normally revealed last? I know at least Bloodreaver Gul'dan was one of the last cards revealed.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Cheap Shot

     Is it me or does + () spell damage seem to be incredibly powerful this expansion?

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Rogue Spell - WANTED

    Think about this:

    Gadgetzan Auctioneer + Preparation + WANTED! + Coin. 

    7 Mana 4/4 draw 3 cards with 3 card combo and killing a minion with less than 4 health. Of course that's the only use I could think of with this.

    Other than the purpose of drawing more cards or possibly having an 11 or 12 cost combo in the future, I'd rather have an Eviscerate.



    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [Free Medivh - Heroic] Jade Druid 40%+ winrate

    Thank you sooo much. I tried for so long with other decks and I did a variation of your deck to finally make it work. I didn't have 2 Corpsetaker, 1 Ancient of War, 1 Feral Rage, and 1 Nourish. I replaced them with 1 Ancient of Blossoms, 1 Branching Paths, 2 Ironwood Golem, and an Ultimate Infestation. Honestly I think Branching Paths is a better choice than Feral Rage since if you don't need the armor you could always draw two cards. For this you just need to get the board control. I had my Fandral Staghelm stick around until Malchezar's Twisting Nether and I had Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Once I got my Jades to 20/20, I finished off the orc and then summoned Malchezar. Played 5 Idols the next turn with an Earthen Scales on the 25/25 Idol to gain 26 armor which I honestly didn't even need. He was toast.

    Posted in: [Free Medivh - Heroic] Jade Druid 40%+ winrate
  • 2

    posted a message on [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts

    I've normally been using Barnes to try and pull Savannah Highmane, Cult Master, or anything with deathrattle. There aren't many good 4 drops for hunter and he seemed like the best option. Maybe we could replace him. Any suggestions?

    Posted in: [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts
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    posted a message on [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts

    You can run Arfus, but you would also need to run Barnes so I really don't think you should. I have still been trying to perfect this deck and now I don't currently run Arfus in my deck but I have ran him before with Barnes. decided to keep this deck layout because I want it to be a guide for people that don't have much dust or anything. You can replace Barnes with a Bearshark or Eaglehorn Bow.

    About Spiritsinger Umbra, I don't recommend using it. It is a 4 drop into no 5 drop deathrattles unless you get the Corpse WidowKindly Grandmother. For one card in the deck I don't think that it is worth it. I don't have it so I wouldn't be able to test it out; however if you wanted to try it out you certainly can and share your results. You could also try to replace Barnes with the Umbra which should keep a smooth curve. Imo I just don't see umbra hitting any deathrattles, and against the current meta with Defile, pulling out Kindly Grandmother would be a nightmare dealing over 5 damage without any + spell damage help. 

    Great questions

    Posted in: [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts
  • 0

    posted a message on [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts

    Not really. You can win games without drawing Stitched Tracker and Cult Master. Although they do help, they aren't entirely necessary. Jeweled Macaw helps by adding a beast to your hand so that you are getting 1/1 value for a card draw essentially since there is beast synergy with this deck. Once you draw and play Deathstalker Rexxar, there really is no need for cards in hand anymore except for guaranteed plays. You can find all of your answers in a custom beast. 9/10 times you are able to get a taunt beast (Not entirely sure of stats but it at least feels like that) and also your custom beasts are way more powerful than other cards. Essentially you just need to survive into the late game which you can in this deck by playing cards such as Explosive TrapDeadly ShotUnleash the Hounds, and Hound Master.

    Posted in: [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts
  • 3

    posted a message on [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts

    I'm still trying to figure out the best choices for this deck. I'd like to address your second question first.

    I really really did try to work with 2 copies of hyena and may do so in the future. The current build I'm running of this deck was to take out one deadly shot for the second animal companion, and I also took out one kill command for an Arfus (although this deck would no longer be that cheap if I updated it). Again I'm still trying to work with this deck and may just end up sacrificing the Arfus for another Hyena. Just personal preference I guess considering that you really wouldn't want to play either card on their own (Arfus + Corpse Widow and Scavenging Hyena + sacrificing any beast). So I guess if you want to put the second Hyena then replace Kill Command.

    Now for your first question, I really l couldn't find any room for Alleycat. The 1 drops are already very strong - Fiery Bat is an incredible value card for turn one and also for the turn five play of Corpse Widow since it gets discounted to 0, and Jeweled Macaw adds to more late game value. I guess Jeweled Macaw could be taken out for Alleycat, but that would make Alleycat a potential dead draw after turn 6.

    Stitched Tracker is an incredible card. I know the 2/2 play on turn 3 seems incredibly weak, but I think it is just enough to carry it's value. The 2 health allows it to survive a ping so that if you really need to you can send it into your opponents minion on turn 4 with a Cult Master to draw another card. On another note, Tracker can theoretically have endless value. There have been a few games in which I never drew tracker until after turn 10. Almost every discover I could discover another Tracker, then another one and etc. The dream could be to keep putting out 2/2s that your opponent couldn't really deal with, then having the potential to give one +4/+4 Taunt with Bonemare. Tracker is incredibly flexible allowing you to draw whatever you need, whether it's card draw with Cult Master, to value with cards like Corpse Widow or Savannah Highmane.

    To counter the aggro decks, you would just want to mulligan for Explosive Trap and Deathstalker Rexxar. If you do manage to draw stiched tracker, it is still just incredibly flexible to get your cards like BarnesHoundmaster, or Fiery Bat which will take care of the aggro push. 

    Edit - Grammar 


    Posted in: [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts
  • 3

    posted a message on [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts

    Don't judge a deck by one days experience. You may simply be playing it wrong. I'll have the guide up on how to play it soon. 

    Posted in: [Cheap KFT] Dead Beasts
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