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Burn mage
ok at First i miss read the card and thought it is primordial glyph on steroids. But it can discover 1,2 and 3 cost spells. So on the list are: Tome of Intellect Icicle Book of Specters Snap Freeze Cinderstorm Arcane Missiles Mirror Image Arcane Explosion FrostboltArcane Intellect Frost Nova Shooting Star Astral Rift Research ProjectElemental Evocation and of course all secrets. We should add to list all lately announced spells Magic trick and ray of frost.
Can we see rise of miracle mage? Gadgetzan Auctioneer is still a thing and combination with Sorcerer's Apprentice mage can mill decks quite fast.
Lately announced mana cyclone can have great synergy as well. can burn mage use some of this combination to cycle for damage?
at first impression i would vote this card playable at least
Decent. Will see play.
Miracle mage meta
I like this card, I think there will be a miracle mage deck that will come about and if that deck ends up being good over the next few expansions then this card will 100% see play in it.
This is an ok/good card in tempo small spell mage (feat. Mana Cyclone and Flamewaker), but a bad outcome from Kalecgos. If mage gets a reprint of Flamewaker, this will definitely see play in standard.
Quest Mage in wild doesn't run the tome, so the things I said about this archtype were irrelevant.
Mana Cyclone + Sorcerer Aprendice looks better and better.
Will be the first deck I try when the expansion released.
I really like the design of this card and how they are opening the decision tree for mages and I don't know if it's good but I also don't like to see the poll of Kalecgos spells polluted
I still don't see why would Mage burn its deck. Maybe bc of something which hasn't been revealed yet?
Sorcerer's Apprentice, Mana Cyclone, Ray of Frost, and this card. I don't know what it all leads up to but it sure looks like the cards are building up to something.
Can we get a list of everything you can get?
Arcane explosion, arcane intellect, arcane missiles, frost nova, frost bolt, mirror image, counterspell, Ice Barrier, Icicle, mirror entity, spellbender, tome of intellect, vaporize, book of specters, cinderstorm, snap freeze, astral rift, research project, shooting star, elemental evocation, splitting image, ray of frost and magic trick.
The same reason Aluneth was played
It's not rng if you call - Amaz
Alot of Healing Cards are gone, Odd Warri is gone. DKs are gone. I can see aggro,burn Mage beeing a Top Deck.
It's a good replacement forTome of Intellect, if any deck wanted to run that card, this is slightly better, you get more consistent results and the synergy is very strong with Mana cyclone
But Aluneth don't require any badish or okayish cheap spells in your deck. You could simply put your burst cards in and equip the weapon. If you play with Gadgetzan Auctioneer and these cheap spells, you deck will be so much weaker IMO. Moreover these cards don't let you to take most of the burst cards into your deck, bc of space.
Wild tempo Mage approves.
Haunting Vision powercreep.
I am so happy Mana Wyrm got nerfed to 2 mana ;).
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);