I dont feel hearthpwn site is clunky.. ...like at all
You're in the minority for sure. HearthPwn is a laggy mess even with ads completely turned off. I've spent 6 years of my life on this site and it's the one thing that has held true the entire time.
The owners of this site have gone off to other projects because this one just isn’t worth all the resources being put into it, but if we get a lot more site traffic their thinking will probably change. It’s best to try to atleast try to save this site in anyway we can. We can’t take this laying down. There is still hope! We just gotta let more people know about this site and visit it more, or start a petition. (But that almost never works.) worth a try though.
Traffic is not going to change their minds. Just join us on https://OutOf.Cards along with all the other HearthPwn refugees and don't waste your energy on keeping this dumpster alive. Myself and the wonderful staff team have no plans of stopping Hearthstone content coverage. We're still missing many features HearthPwn has but I'm working on getting them created.
Thank you to everyone who has shown their love for the new site. I promise we won't let you down.
The plan is to build an achievement system that is even greater. It will be more like a quest system - expect some achievements to require multiple steps, some in order, to achieve those points.
Nah, this has nothing to do with Hearthstone losing some players. Even though Fandom doesn't want to run the community sites anymore, we've gone off and are doing our own thing.
The last meal indeed.
Thank you so much Shadows and all the awesome people who helped make card design competitions amazing over the years.
Definitely going to continue everything we did here for Fan Creations
I'd try a different browser or disable all your addons as well if simply waiting for the page to fully load doesn't work.
Patch should arrive in an hour and a half - that's normally when we see patches.
The only thing people will be able to do on HearthPwn after the shut down is read the site.
You're in the minority for sure. HearthPwn is a laggy mess even with ads completely turned off. I've spent 6 years of my life on this site and it's the one thing that has held true the entire time.
Traffic is not going to change their minds. Just join us on https://OutOf.Cards along with all the other HearthPwn refugees and don't waste your energy on keeping this dumpster alive. Myself and the wonderful staff team have no plans of stopping Hearthstone content coverage. We're still missing many features HearthPwn has but I'm working on getting them created.
Thank you to everyone who has shown their love for the new site. I promise we won't let you down.
Nothing at all to due with having a previously existing Hearthstone Wiki. Wikis and Community Sites are very, very different!
The site is completely shutting down and being archived. The only thing you will be able to do is view content.
Come hang out on Out of Cards!
They will be a thing in the future and the goal is to make even better achievements =)
The plan is to build an achievement system that is even greater. It will be more like a quest system - expect some achievements to require multiple steps, some in order, to achieve those points.
Gonna put people on some serious hunts.
Criteria is no longer hidden. Check away!
Nah, this has nothing to do with Hearthstone losing some players. Even though Fandom doesn't want to run the community sites anymore, we've gone off and are doing our own thing.
Join us over at https://outof.cards/
What was the inspiration behind the competition's theme?