[B] Drek'thar's Blue Fire Spell Slanga Questlin...
- Last updated Nov 22, 2023 (Showdown in the Badlands)
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- 6 Minions
- 22 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Spell Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 9220
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/14/2021 (Second Warlock Nerfs)
- RealShamanistic
- Registered User
- 11
- 22
- 47
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Recommended Hero: Venerable Bru'kan
Recommended Card Back: Icecrown
Recommended Entry Song: Na Ready Fe Dis War by Dub Easy and D'arryval
Blue Fire Spell Slanga Series Deck: Second (Spell Heavy Version)
Enter Diamond Drek'Thar, who is known as the Blind Shaman and leader of the Frostwolf clan and teacher to Thrall of the elements of Shamanism (he is my favorite Warcraft lore character). Sphere of Sapience helps a Blind Shaman see LOL! There is also the addition of the Command the Elements Questline.
Lightning Storm is magnificent Shaman removal to a board of annoying minions sent against you from your opponent.
Healing Rain provides a refreshing healing mist for 3 mana for 12 life across your board and Hero's life total.
Devolve will help you go through any thing your opponent puts up between you and their face!
Diligent Notetaker and Lightning Bloom are best when paired together.
Stormcaller Bru'kan is majestic late game value!
Radiance of Azshara is one of the best 3 Drops ever made for the Shaman class!
Doomhammer and two Rockbiter Weapons are your finisher with 16 damage and the Boom Victory!
Also got another shot out from my Uncle Zeddy in the video above cause I gifted him the Blind Shaman Drek'Thar and leader of the Frostwolves himself cause anyone who plays Hearthstone as much as Zeddy deserves to have the best lore character in the entire Warcraft universe in Diamond! :)