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Murlocs flourish with the capability of swarming but are not supposed to be strong individually. This card straight up removes that weakness, and as if this wasn't enough, can also be combined with Firemancer Flurgl to make it infinite damage aoe? SMH
Bluegill Warrior and this creates a 3-mana removal. And you can find a Lackey that gives Rush to do the same trick.
I'm addicted to him, but I know that he's Toxfin. ^^
Well will be trying this out in wild:
It's like Hunter's Mark, except that it's neutral, costs only one and leaves a 1/2 murloc behind - but it requires a murloc themed deck. This card is insanely overpowered. Even at 2 mana 1/1 this card would be played in every murloc deck!!! This is one of the strongest cards in the expansion!
For Murloc decks this is a better-deal Plague Scientist that doesn't require Combo. Auto-include in most Murloc decks.
This is the missing piece for my murloc decks... single target removal that is also a murloc...