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Name Type Class Cost Attack Health
Explosive Trap Ability Hunter200
Freezing Trap Ability Hunter200
Hound Minion Hunter111
Hyena Minion Hunter222
Hyena Minion Hunter222
Hyena Minion Hunter244
Scavenging Hyena Minion Hunter244
Scavenging Hyena Minion Hunter222
Scavenging Hyena Minion Hunter222
Snake Minion Hunter111
Snake Minion Hunter111
Snake Minion Hunter122
Snipe Ability Hunter200
Snipe Ability Hunter200
Unleash the Hounds Ability Hunter300
Adorable Infestation Ability Druid100
Aimed Shot Ability Hunter300
Alleycat Minion Hunter111
Alleycat Minion Hunter111
Alleycat Minion Hunter122
Animal Companion Ability Hunter300
Arrow Smith Minion Hunter223
Awakening Tremors Ability Hunter100
Azsharan Saber Minion Hunter443
Bait and Switch Ability Hunter200
Baited Arrow Ability Hunter500
Barbed Nets Ability Hunter100
Batty Guest Minion Hunter111
Bear Trap Ability Hunter200
Bearshark Minion Hunter343
Bearshark Minion Hunter343
Blood Herald Minion Hunter511
Bloodseeker Weapon Hunter222
Bola Shot Ability Hunter200
Bomb Toss Ability Hunter200
Brave Archer Minion Hunter121
Bunch of Bananas Ability Hunter100
Bunch of Bananas Ability Hunter100
Bunch of Bananas Ability Hunter100
Candleshot Weapon Hunter113
Candleshot Weapon Hunter113
Carrion Grub Minion Hunter325
Carrion Studies Ability Hunter100
Cave Hydra Minion Hunter324
Cave Hydra Minion Hunter324
Cave Hydra Minion Hunter348
Celestial Shot Ability Hunter300
Cloaked Huntress Minion Hunter334
Cloaked Huntress Minion Hunter334
Cobra Shot Ability Hunter400
Cobra Shot Ability Hunter400
Conch's Call Ability Hunter300
Corrosive Breath Ability Hunter200
Costumed Singer Minion Hunter111
Crackling Razormaw Minion Hunter232
Dancing Cobra Minion Hunter215
Dancing Cobra Minion Hunter215
Dart Trap Ability Hunter200
Deadly Shot Ability Hunter300
Defias Blastfisher Minion Hunter532
Desert Camel Minion Hunter324
Desert Spear Weapon Hunter313
Dire Frenzy Ability Hunter400
Dire Frenzy Ability Hunter400
Durnholde Imposter Minion Hunter333
Dwarven Sharpshooter Minion Hunter113
Explosive Trap Ability Hunter200
Fable Stablehand Minion Hunter333
Felfire Deadeye Minion Hunter223
Fetch! Ability Hunter200
Fiery Bat Minion Hunter121
Flanking Strike Ability Hunter400
Freezing Trap Ability Hunter200
Frenzied Fangs Ability Hunter200
Frenzied Fangs Ability Hunter200
Fresh Scent Ability Hunter200
Fresh Scent Ability Hunter200
Furious Howl Ability Hunter200
Glaivezooka Weapon Hunter222
Grievous Bite Ability Hunter200
Grimestreet Smuggler Minion Hunter, Paladin, Warrior324
Headhunter's Hatchet Weapon Hunter222
Headhunter's Hatchet Weapon Hunter222
Helboar Minion Hunter121
Helboar Minion Hunter121
Hollow Hound Minion Death Knight634
Hunter's Pack Ability Hunter300
Hunting Mastiff Minion Hunter221
Hunting Mastiff Minion Hunter221
Imprisoned Felmaw Minion Hunter254
Jeweled Macaw Minion Hunter112
Jeweled Macaw Minion Hunter112
K9-0tron Minion Hunter223
Keeneye Spotter Minion Hunter334
Kindly Grandmother Minion Hunter211
Kindly Grandmother Minion Hunter111
Kindly Grandmother Minion Hunter122
King's Elekk Minion Hunter232
Mantle Shaper Minion Hunter555
Marked Shot Ability Hunter400